Cat's Primordial Belly Pouches-- What is it For?

Chunky cats are adorable but aren't always overweight. Although part of a cat's underbelly swings, it's not always what it looks like.

In truth, some cats have belly pouches. But what is it for?

Cats Primordial Pouches

A cat's primordial pouch consists of skin, fur, and fat. It's a protective layer that's positioned along the length of its belly. According to Jose Arce, president-elect of the American Veterinary Medical Association explains that cat's pouches are normal and healthy.

Every cat has a belly pouch that varies in size; some have virtually undetectable pouches, while others are easily spotted as the cat flops back and forth. A cat's primordial pouch is often more noticeable in senior cats.

Even large cats such as lions and tigers have belly pouches.

Photo by Anel Rossouw from Pexels

The Purpose of a Cat's Belly Pouch

There are three main theories regarding the purpose of a cat's primordial pouches, says Arce to Live Science.

The first well-known theory is that belly pouches protect the cat's internal organs during fights by adding an extra protective layer between the feline's insides and another cat's teeth or claws.

A second theory speculates that the pouch gives felines extra flexibility since it stretches as the cat runs, allowing it to go farther with each bound. Flexibility is a vital quality of cats necessary to evade predators or easily catch elusive prey.

Lastly, there is a possibility that the cat's primordial pouch acts as extra storage space after big meals. In the wild, cats often don't get two meals a day. Cats eat when they can and tend to store fat from larger kills in their pouch for sustenance in the coming days.

Cat breeds such as the Egyptian Mau, Bengal, and Pixiebob are well-known to have primordial pouches.

But, contrary to popular belief, primordial pouches aren't exclusive to domesticated cats. Big cats such as tigers and lions have belly pouches for the same reasons.

House cats, according to Arce, typically start to develop primordial pouches around 6 months old in both females and male felines.

Differentiating Cat Obesity from Belly Pouches

Owners need to be able to differentiate between a cat's obesity and its belly pouches. Like in humans, obesity in cats can lead to many health concerns such as heart problems, diabetes, and hypertension.

Arce says that overweight in cats increases the feline's risks of arthritis and some forms of cancer.

One way for owners to differentiate between the two is by noting the cat's shape. Orce explains that obese cats tend to have rounder bodies than healthy-weight cats with large primordial pouches.

The belly of an obese feline, when you're standing from the top of the cat, comes from the top of the underside and makes its way down. On the other hand, regardless of size, primordial pouches tend to continue further down and are skewed towards the feline's hind legs.

Another way is to feel your cat's belly if it's hard to press; your feline is most likely obese.

Check out more news and information on Cats on Science Times.

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