A metal detectorist has found an extraordinary and rare medieval artifact in Poland.

Rare, Incredible Medieval Artifact

The object spans more than two inches and used to be linked to a belt in order to hang a purse or keys.

The discovery was made by Damian Tomczyk, a metal detectorist and a member of a group of history enthusiasts who work to uncover the secrets of the region through metal detectors. He found the artifact close to the small coastal town of Kamień Pomorski in the West Pomerania province in northwestern Poland. It is near the Germany border.

Across Poland, these types of objects have only been exclusively found in the country's northwestern areas. Moreover, to date, there have only been 15 similar objects discovered across Europe. These were mainly found in Germany, though Austria and Hungary have also yielded one object example each.

The finding has been included in the collection of the Kamień Land History Museum. According to the museum, the newly found object is in pristine condition. Archaeologist Grzegorz Kurka, the museum's director, describes the finding as an extraordinary one.

The artifact is also believed to be from the late medieval period, which went on from around 1050 to 1500.

The object's front has an anthropomorphic form that depicts a person seemingly positioning their hands on the hips.

To jeszcze na brytyjskiej stronie ️ Posted by Muzeum Historii Ziemi Kamieńskiej on Tuesday, March 19, 2024

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Other Artifacts Recently Uncovered

On top of this, a metal object believed to be a medieval pilgrim's badge was also announced last February. This round and small object was cast from a tin and lead alloy. It spans just an inch across and less than one-tenth inch in thickness. The pilgrim's badge shows a depiction of a basilisk, which is a mythical snake-like creature in European folklore.

Across medieval Europe, there were Christian pilgrims who wore such badges as protective gear or talismans of some sort. The object was thought to have protective and luck-brining powers. The badges were thought to protect their wearers against different "evil" things, such as disease and theft. They also helped in distinguishing the pilgrim identity of their wearers.

Aside from this, an incredibly rare copper dagger was also found by a metal detectorist. This artifact is believed to be over 4,000 years old. As it was extremely rare to have copper items during this time, archaeologists think that only those with the highest social status were able to afford the items.

The artifact could be helpful in research pertaining to the transition faced by southeastern Poland regarding the move from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age.

The discovery was made while the metal detectorist was examining forests close to Korzenica village in the Subcarpathia Province. This is situated in the country's southeast, close to the border with Ukraine.

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