Cases like birth defects, premature deliveries, miscarriage, and low birth weight are some of the bad effects of IVF. These risks could possibly cause bleeding and infection inside the uterus.
"The IVF may involve greater obstetric threat, which may cause a higher incidence of maternal death in IVF pregnancies," according to the study of Maternal Death Related to IVF in the Netherlands Article (1984-2008) by D.D.M. Braat, J.M. Schutte, R.E. Bernardu, T.M. Mooij, and F.E. Van Leeuwen.
Conversely, British doctors in an editorial in the Journal BMJ, says "maternal deaths in vitro fertilization are relatively rare, but they do occur."
There has been a research in the Netherlands that shows a higher case of death with regard to IVF. Dr. Susan Bewley, an obstetrician at Kings College in London, studied the cases together with her colleagues.
IVF failed in majority cases due to the weakness of embryo from the implantation. The women's age also affects the procedure and there is only about 25% in the process of transferring an embryo are most likely to survive. In line with this, numerous attempts could not work and may lead to serious problems from an insufficient egg quality.
The IVF process does not secure a hundred percent accomplishment and somehow gives an emotional and physical effects from the uncertainties. Since the procedure requires surgical operations, anaesthetic risk, internal haemorrhage, and infection are associated. The OHSS or Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome- where the ovaries undergoing this treatment- can put a women's life in danger.
"It is the physician's responsibility to make sure they are not driven only by the goal of establishing a pregnancy and that they really understand any and all risk that they are taking," Gerald Scholl says, MD, Associate Chief of Human Reproduction at North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, N.Y.