Ancient Viking Helmet is Dated Back to the 10th Century

Archaeologist Analyze the Unique Design of Viking Helmets

Vikings were known as one of the fiercest warrior groups in the history of mankind. However, only two ancient near-complete helmets have been retrieved by archaeologists, and one was recently confirmed to belong to the 10th century.
'Drawn-on-Skin' Electronics: Highly Advanced Wearable Monitors

Researchers Develop Wearable Monitors That Can Be Drawn on the Skin

A new type of wearable device called drawn-on-skin electronics does more than monitoring heart rate and calories burned in a day. The advanced device can be drawn on the skin like a pen on paper while monitoring the body accurately for personalized medical care.
College Startup Ideas from Phil Collins and His Team

College Startup Ideas from Phil Collins and His Team

Most college students operate under a tight budget since college is already an expensive affair. The stressful workload and long study hours do not help the difficult situation. While college life is an exciting period where students enjoy the freedom to explore, travel, and have fun, it becomes impossible without money. So, what do you do to get an extra coin while in college? Starting a business is the perfect solution.
Ingenuity: The First Helicopter To Fly on Mars

An Inside Look at the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter

NASA scientists are having a Wright brothers moment as Ingenuity will be the first helicopter to fly on a different planet. If successful, the independent helicopter will set a new milestone for the future of robotic space explorations.
Science Times - The Engineer's Best Friend: An Inside Look at Ford's Robotic Dog, Fluffy

Ford Has a Robotic Dog Named Fluffy, Helping Engineers

Fluffy, a dog-like robot designed by Boston Dynamics, has been helping Ford's engineers in Michigan. With impressive specs, Ford's processes have been 'more efficient and effective' without displacing their workforce.
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