Tags: California

Two Variants of COVID-19 Combined Into a Heavily Mutated Hybrid Virus: What Could This Mean?

Local Coronavirus Strain May Be Fueling Surge in California, Experts Say
Thousands of Doses of Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine, Quarantined Due to Anomaly

Humpback Whale Tipped Over Kayakers, Almost Swallowing Them

How Can Smoke From West Coast Fires Cause Red Sunsets in New York?
California Wildfires Worsen Thanks to Gender Reveal Party

Crowds Fill California Beaches Over Labor Day Weekend Amid Heatwave and COVID-19
Google's Largest Earthquake Detection Network Begins in California
Uber and Lyft Agree to Switch to Electric Cars

15 States Are Switching to Electric Trucks and Buses Following California’s Lead

New York City Preparing for Second Coronavirus Wave, Warns Other States to be Ready as Well
California Will Proceed With Reopening Plans Despite Record-Breaking Daily Cases of 6,000 People on Monday
[CORONAVIRUS] Tesla Employees Expose Social Distancing Not Practiced at All As Some Tested Positive Shorty After Plant Reopened
Endangered Pygmy Sperm Whale Washes up on California Shore with Fatal Wound
Bioluminescent Waves on California Coast have Turned into Red Tide that Smells Like Sulfur: Why is That?
[VIDEO] About 200 Goats Break Through a Fence and Wander San Jose Neighborhood
14,000 Californian Lives Could be Saved Each Year if the State Remains Carbon-Neutral Similar to When on Lockdown, Research Finds
Washington State has a New Pest to Worry About: Gypsy Moths

NASA Shared Image of Unexpected Superbloom of Orange Poppies In Southern California As Seen From Space

Mysterious Faults Found in California Using Fiber Optic Cables
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Persistent Coughs Are Everywhere: Here's What Experts Think Is Causing It

Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Giant Predatory Amphipod Discovered Thriving 8,000 Meters Below in Extreme Deep-Sea Environment

Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists