Hydrogen is known as the most fundamental element of the periodic table. If anyone looks towards the periodic table, they would find Hydrogen at the beginning. Now, scientists are looking for the reason why the simplest element of the periodic table is the most abundant element of Universe.
Oregon state University’s chemistry professor May Nyman started looking into the theories of Big Bang. Scientists consider the Big Bang as the Earliest event happened at the beginning of Universe. All the elements of periodic table including Hydrogen were formed after the event to make the Universe up.
According to Live Science, an atom is basically made of three subatomic particles: positively charged Protons negatively charged Electrons and Neutron(neutral). A Hydrogen atom basically consists of a single proton and an electron but no neutrons that is one of the main reason why it is the most common element in Universe.
Helium is the second most available element after Hydrogen. In the stars, Hydrogen atoms fuse into Helium to generate energies. A Helium atom has two protons, two neutrons, and two electrons and it is also known as the noble gas. The Encyclopedia says almost 99.9 percent of all known matter in Universe are occupied by Hydrogen and Helium. However, the amount of Helium is 10 times leas than the amount of Hydrogen.
Nyman said in her report,“Oxygen, the third most common element, is about 1,000 times less abundant than Hydrogen. In general, the higher the atomic number, the less abundant is the element is”. she also explained that in terms of Earth’s composition, Oxygen is the most common element compared to silicon, aluminum, and iron.
Hydrogen has a critical role in the life of earth. Water, which is the most important thing to sustain life, consist of two Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom[H2O]. Without Hydrogen-Carbon bond it wouldn’t be possible to Form DNA, proteins and other organic molecules.