While there are no specific foods that can protect anyone from coronavirus, eating nutritious food can help in boosting the immune system to fight off the symptoms of the infection.

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Top 3 Food To Eat and Avoid This 2020

Eating healthy does not mean imposing strict limitations on the food to eat or the unrealistically thin body. But it is about feeling great, having more energy, improving the health and boosting one's mood.

Additionally, it does not have to be overly complicated. The cornerstone of a healthy diet is to eat more real food than processed food whenever possible. Here are some of the food that you ought to eat and the ones you need to avoid.

Foods To Eat

1. Protein

Proteins help build, repair and maintain body tissues because they are considered as the building blocks of the bodies. They help strengthen the immune system but most importantly, proteins help people who are trying to lose weight to feel full after a meal and assist in maintaining their metabolism.

Best sources of protein are chicken, eggs, and other poultry. Seafood, plain Greek yoghurt, cottage cheese and tofu are also good sources of protein.

2. Non-starchy vegetables

Vegetables are a good source of nutrients as they are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. They fill up with minimal impact on the blood sugar so Amitahealth.org advice against eating starchy vegetables as they are pack with triple the carbohydrates but not triple the good nutrients.

Starchy vegetables are also one of the easiest foods to over-consume, like corn or potatoes. Some of the best examples of non-starchy vegetables are asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, lettuce, kale, celery, cucumber, eggplant, green beans, mushrooms, onion, peppers, spinach, tomatoes, yellow squash and zucchini.

Moreover, some of the recipes you can try are roasted Brussels sprouts and power blend tuna salad.

3. Fat

Fat tends to have a bad reputation. However, the body needs it to absorb vitamins A, D, E, and K. It is the slowest macronutrient to be digested, so it promotes satiety and also adds flavor to foods.

Moreover, fats with the most protective health benefits are unsaturated fats. With saturated fats, they are considered to be neutral fats. The one that should not be taken is the trans-fat because it raises the risk of heart disease and therefore not safe for human consumption and required by the US FDA to be removed from the US food supply by 2021.

Best sources of healthy fat are olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, nuts, seeds, avocado, and butter.

Read Also: Treat Type 2 Diabetes by Adding This Tasty Food to Your Diet

Foods to Avoid

1. Sweetened Beverages

Avoid drinks that are sweetened with sugar or "naturally sweetened" because they provide little or no nutrition at all. But they do spike the blood sugar, and insulin response with a concentrated dose of sugar that is quickly absorbed leads to an increased appetite and cravings.

Worst offenders are soda, juice, fancy coffee drinks, and store-bought smoothies.

2. Added sugar

Aside from sweetened beverages, foods with added sugar should also be avoided since those can cause a surge in insulin. High levels of insulin cause the body to store fat rather than burn it. More so, refined carbohydrates lead to a "crash and burn effect" as the blood sugar drops leading to a bigger appetite.

Foods with added sugar are cereals, snack bars, pre-sweetened yogurts, canned fruit, and condiments such as ketchup, barbecue sauce, honey mustard and French dressing.

3. Refined grains

Refined grains have pretty much lost their nutrients when they are processed. Without the fiber, they will be digested and enters the bloodstream rapidly, which causes a spike in blood sugar and fat-storing insulin.

Worst offenders include white flour, bread, pasta, rice, baked goods, snacks, and breakfast cereals.

Read More: No to Dementia: Drink Red Wine, Eat Dark Chocolates and Other Flavonoid-Rich Foods