Whether downsizing or just trying to live a simple life, decluttering your home makes a big difference. However, this task seems overwhelming, especially if you discover that many books, old clothes, and other items have piled up over the years. Even if you are upgrading some of your possessions, you might realize you do not have enough space at home for these items.

(Photo: Unsplash/ Sarah Brown)

Whatever you need to get rid of, it is important to consider that dumping them is not always a good option. It is, therefore, challenging to think of ways to dispose of your stuff with the greatest advantage to you without harming the environment.

Here are the suggested techniques for getting rid of different types of clutter.

Electronic Devices

Before purchasing a new smartphone or laptop, you can check out the trade-in deals from your device manufacturer. If you do not like the offer from the tech companies, you can sell your device to online vendors such as Decluttr, Swappa, and Best Buy.

Used gadgets can also be donated to charity; check the charitable institution before giving away your item. If your device is too old that nobody might want them, then it is time to dispose of it in an environmentally friendly way.

READ ALSO: How to Declutter An Old Mac


Old books you no longer need can be sold to websites like Amazon. There are also famous resellers such as AbeBooks, which pays you according to the book's condition. If you don't intend to sell for profit, you can send your books to specialized organizations that can assist you in giving books to people who need them the most.

Another technique is to unload your books to local libraries or used bookstores. You can also build a library that offers a book-lending program outside your house. If one of your neighbors has already started their library, you can donate your items to them.


Not all old clothes and textiles are meant to be dumped. Old garments can be donated to nearby charity thrift stores depending on their condition. Some nonprofit organizations such as Goodwill and The Salvation Army resell your used clothing to support underprivileged communities.

You can also earn money while trying to save the planet. Gently used clothes can be sold to brick-and-mortar stores or online vendors. If the garment is not in good enough condition for donation or selling, it can be sent to textile recycling centers which send them to small entrepreneurs in remote regions.


Pieces of furniture you no longer need can be resold in a garage or yard sale. There are online platforms like Facebook Marketplace, OfferUp, and Craigslist where you can post your item. For furniture that is not fit for reuse, you can dump them in your local landfill site. Just make sure that they accept the kind of furniture that you want to get rid of.


RELATED ARTICLE: Scientists Explain Why Watching Home-Decluttering Videos Feel Therapeutic

Check out more news and information on Recycling in Science Times.