When 75-year-old farmer Ted saw that while his testicles were shrinking, his penis was remaining the same size, there were concerns and questions.

Ted's odd experience was brought on by his Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT).

(Photo: AI-Generated / Austin Jay)

What Ted Thought About TRT

Ted told a friend about how his nuts have been getting smaller over the past few years while they were at his farm. Ted noticed that his penis didn't change size even though his testicles did. His friend was interested and asked if Ted was on any medicines, which is how he found out that Ted was on TRT.

When you get testosterone from an outside source as part of TRT, your brain is told to stop making its testosterone. When this stops, the testicles, which usually make testosterone, get smaller because they aren't needed to make hormones anymore. The penis, on the other hand, uses testosterone for erections and sperm release, but it is not directly involved in hormone production, so its size does not change.

What Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Testosterone Replacement Therapy, or TRT, is a medical procedure in which shots, patches, or creams of testosterone are used to bring hormone levels back to normal. The testicles make testosterone, giving men masculine traits and general health. Hypogonadism is a situation in which the body doesn't produce enough testosterone. TRT is often prescribed for this condition.

Low sex drive, little hair on the face and body, and fewer accidental erections are all signs of hypogonadism. Even though testosterone levels typically drop with age, TRT isn't always needed unless levels drop a lot. Testosterone is made in the ovaries of women. It changes libido, bone health, energy, and mood, but TRT isn't usually needed.

TRT can help with several health problems linked to low testosterone, such as depression, memory improvement, and more. However, it can also lower the quality of sperm. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and other treatments can be used with TRT to keep the testicles working and fertility.

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What TRT Means for More Than Just One Issue

As Ted's story shows, knowing about TRT's possible benefits and side effects is essential. TRT can help men keep or even improve their ability to get and maintain an erection. Still, it can also cause testicles to shrink because it stops the body from making testosterone naturally. This result is like a muscle getting smaller when it's not used.

Ted was assured that since he would not have any more children, his shrinking testicles were not a concern. Guys who are younger or concerned about becoming pregnant may want to consider other treatments before commencing TRT, such as HCG or sperm freezing.

Beyond changing looks, TRT affects health. Those with low testosterone levels have a higher chance of developing heart disease, osteoporosis, and diabetes. Preserving a standard range of testosterone levels could enhance one's health and lower one's risk of certain illnesses.

Ted stresses the importance of talking to people and understanding how medical processes work in his honest account of his TRT experience. Anyone can make good decisions about their health if they get help and ask questions. While TRT is suitable for many people, it also has some risks. One of these risks is that penises may get smaller.

The story of Ted shows how important it is to weigh the pros and cons of each treatment choice. If patients are given the right information and help, they can make better health choices and find more balanced ways to deal with diseases like low testosterone.

RELATED ARTICLE: Low Testosterone Levels Linked to Increased Arthritis Risk, Study Reveals

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