(Photo : Felix Mittermeier via Pexels)

Among some of the most transformative achievements in the world are cosmic explorations gradually closing the distance between the mysteries of the universe and humanity. Long are the days of astronomical clocks, Nebra sky discs, and ancient sundials, now replaced by cutting-edge technology that offers meticulous insights into the secrets written within the stars. As the space industry continues to grow, with expectations to reach $1.8 trillion by 2035, exhibiting a 9% CAGR, progressive individuals and cosmos enthusiasts are on the lookout for emerging technologies that hold the promise of a more connected future.

Within that landscape, icMercury, a Personal Messenger to Space created by Lijie Zhu, Harri Laitinen, and Seda Hewitt, offers a unique perspective that enriches the lives of people globally. For its wide range of features, from weather forecasting and GPS navigation to data analysis, icMercury was awarded the 2023 GoGlobal Best Telecommunication Project Award, symbolizing a growing demand for innovative space-based products.

icMercury started as a eureka moment sparked by a profound purpose-connecting humanity through the wisdom engraved in the skies. This mission has been reinforced by a recent realization of the founders participating in the space executive program. The event was co-hosted by the International Space University and the Norwegian Space Agency, in Oslo.

Two powerful images serve as profound reminders of our place in the universe. The first, a pale blue dot suspended in the vastness of space, reveals the fragility and interconnectedness of all life on Earth. The second, a satellite view of our planet at night, shows human activity illuminating at most 5% of the earth's surface, underscoring the immense expanse of the untouched natural world. These visuals teach us an invaluable lesson in humility and stewardship. Our planet, a tiny and delicate oasis in the cosmos, relies on our careful and thoughtful protection.

While communication often suffers from the nuances and subtleties that get lost in translation, the shared experience of gazing at the sky transcends these barriers, uniting us in a collective sense of wonder and understanding. Across cultures and languages, the sky has always been a source of wisdom, inspiring myths, guiding navigation, and prompting scientific inquiry. The constellations we trace, the patterns we observe, and the dreams we project onto the heavens are universal, reminding us of our shared humanity. In the vast expanse above, we find common ground, a silent language that speaks to all of us, bridging gaps in communication with the timeless wisdom of the stars.

Over the years, futuristic inventors have perfected the technology, adjusting it to the ever-evolving needs of humanity and ensuring it addresses the challenges prominent in that space. For Seda, one of the most daunting difficulties is communication. She says, "Ordinary people need a space to share their ideas with the masses. To do that, we need to build democratized, free communication channels open to anyone."

Following the conscious trends of sustainability, icMercury centers its mission around genuine care and humane operations. This commitment starts at the platform's heart—the PocketQube satellite technology powering the entire system. PocketQube's affordability enables all users to discover the mysteries of the world, regardless of their financial capability. What adds to its allure is the compact size that leaves no space debris, fostering a more sustainable, eco-friendly future.

Reflecting on the industry, Harri, the mastermind behind icMercury's top-notch security, highlights collaboration as one of the most prominent aspects of the transformation: "I remember participating in a university meeting in Finland and discussing the concerns in the space field. The lack of cooperation was, without a doubt, the one mentioned the most. icMercury is a bridge between worlds, making space more accessible for ordinary people."

Especially in light of an attitude change the three creators witnessed—a more friendly and open approach to space technology—icMercury holds the potential to enrich the industry, connecting people worldwide through the art of sharing information. In a bold step toward bridging the gap between ordinary people and the universe, icMercury provides an opportunity to send a personal satellite into space and rewrite the stars.

In a world of constant competition and comparison, uniqueness lies in icMercury's values. Seda states, "We stand out because we are peaceful, democratic, friendly, and environmentally conscious. These qualities not only define us but also guide our actions and decisions, we prioritize harmony, fairness, kindness, and sustainability. Our common language is the love of humanity and stars."

icMercury, a Personal Messenger to Space created by three ordinary people with an undying passion for discovery, is designed to revolutionize the space industry, fueling its growth even further. "Sending a satellite into space is challenging and needs many people's efforts at each step," adds Lijie. "We started the process, but it takes teamwork to succeed. Being open builds trust, and trust leads to good teamwork. With our personal messenger to space, it's like having your own guiding light, carrying your good wishes, and ensuring a smooth, coordinated journey through the cosmos. We are truth seekers seeking truth."