Blue Mogoo Marijuana Recall In Oregon Due To Continuous High Pesticide Residue, OLCC Warns Against Consumption

High level of pesticides in recreational marijuana prompts the regulatory officials to issue a recall order. The Oregon recall marked the first time for the Liquor Control Center. Reports particularly busted the Blue Magoo marijuana with very high pesticide residue.

The Oregon Liquor Control Center warned those who bought the Blue Magoo marijuana to immediately dispose or return them to seller. The recall stemmed after a retailer discovered that the marijuana from producer Emerald Wave Estate failed on the Cannabis Tracking System. Further tests conducted by the OLCC revealed that the marijuana has indeed possessed high pesticide residue.

The OLCC is a regulatory body that ensures the quality of recreational marijuana, among other products. When they tested the Blue Mogoo marijuana, there are high traces of chemical Pyrethin. This is basically a mixture of six chemicals that are present in chrysanthemum flowers. While pyrethin can be used for organic products, high doses are toxic even to humans.

Meanwhile, Blue Mogoo marijuana may not yet have been extensively sold, specifically those that are from two weeks ago. The particular shop that alerted the OLCC said that there were only about 31 customers who purchased marijuana during the period. Most of the Emerald Wave Estate produce are being sold at Mapleton, according to Komo News.

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization said that high doses of pesticide have an adverse effect to anyone who consumes them. As with the case of Blue Mogoo marijuana, pesticide residue can hamper the reproductive capacity, reduced immune system, among others. Marijuana users can particularly get exposed to these pesticides through inhalation although the most common type of exposures is ingestion.

The WHO also reported an increased risk of cancer from pesticide consumption. In fact, the Blue Mogoo marijuana in question could also fall under the Codex Alimentarius Commission which established the maximum residue level that is allowable. However, it remains for the OLCC to figure out the local allowable residue since there is no universal federal legislation in the US that really legalizes marijuana use.

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