iMac 2017 Release: New iMac 2017, MacBook Pro 2017 Release Date Delayed

Following introductory reports that Apple's next laptop and desktop are coming in 2017, here comes another round of rumors that says something else. As per the new buzz, the highly expected new versions of the iMac 2017 and MacBook Pro 2017 will probably be presented in 2018.

The reason for the further deferral of iMac 2017 and MacBook Pro 2017 is Intel's Cannon Lake processor. As indicated by Apple Insider, Intel will most likely release its new 10 nanometer processors later than anticipated. This speculation was made after Venkata Renduchintala, Intel's president of PC, Internet of Things, and chip configuration stated that the said processor has experienced some advancement issues and its production will probably be deferred.

Renduchintala stated that it was hard to tell a specific date when the first shipment of the new 10nm processors for iMac 2017 and MacBook Pro 2017 will happen. The Intel executive also specified that the Cannon lake processor can either come before 2017 ends or early next year. Renduchintala further said that the company is not having any worries over the delay in production. His faith is strong that Intel will finally push through with the processor's release.

Surprisingly for Apple and its fans, this development will affect the production of the iMac 2017 and MacBook Pro 2017. The two Apple products are anticipated to use the Cannon Lake processors however there were current rumors saying the tech giant is biased toward utilizing AMD's new Ryzen processors.

As indicated by PC World, Apple and other computer makers or manufacturer require some time to test the processors on their gadgets before they are officially revealed and introduced. Major production of the Cannon Lake processors will now start during the second half of 2017. This basically implies the postponement in the Cannon Lake chip's release will most likely push the arrival of the iMac 2017 and MacBook Pro 2017 to next year.

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