Sperm washing is a procedure that has been discovered to allow HIV carriers to have their children born without the virus. Aside from men carrying HIV, the technique is also said to benefit other men and women with other cases as well.
According to Latin American Herald Tribute, the Valencian Infertility Institute (IVI) in Panama described the sperm washing technique to allow HIV carriers to have their children without the virus. Specialist Josseline Flores then mentioned that the technique removes the sperm of infectious particles.
The sperm washing procedure was shared to undergo several cleansing technology tests like intrauterine insemination and in vitro fertilization. Afterward, the sample is sent to Gorgas Commemorative Institute which specialized in detecting contagious diseases to make sure the sperm is free from any traces of the virus.
“The chance of a sample coming out of the treatment HIV positive is very low, and if the patient has the normal defenses and low levels of the virus detected in the blood, the result will be favorable,” director of IVI Panama, Dr. Roberto Epifanio stated as he describes the outcome of sperm washing.
Aziza Cassim, the manager at BioArt Fertility Centre in Johannesburg then described the advantages and disadvantages of sperm washing aside from having HIV relieved from children. She described the procedure to have antibodies, bacteria, and viruses to be washed from the sperm indeed per Sowetan Live.
Aside from HIV carriers, Cassim stated that males with poor sperm motility, ejaculatory problems (premature ejaculation and retrograde ejaculation) and those who has their sperm count to be subnormal could benefit from sperm washing as well.
Moreover, females who have anti-sperm antibodies in the cervix or cervical canal abnormalities were mentioned to benefit from the treatment as well. Another advantage with sperm washing is having the sperm washed externally only. In which meant that the genetic content of the sperm would not be altered as Cassim noted.
Since sperm washing has its advantages, its disadvantages were mentioned that an allergic type of reaction, shock reaction, severe intrauterine spasm due to high prostaglandins may occur. It was then concluded by Cassim that patients who want to undergo the procedure must go to a reputable clinic.