Eating Aged Cheese Is The Best Way to Prevent Liver Cancer & Have Longer Life, Research Suggests

Numerous studies around the world are made just to solve liver cancer, aside from undergoing different therapies and boost lifespan. However, the recent study advises that eating aged cheese is the answer.

In a journal published by American Association for Cancer Research led by the research team from Texas A&M University in College Station discovered that aged cheese contains spermidine, wherein this specific compound is a polyamine that has two amino acids, which is originally came from the sperm. The study showed that eating this kind of food has benefits with the health, specifically preventing liver cancer and boosting lifespan.

The researchers tried to test this spermidine, which is present in aged cheese and found out that mice were likely to develop liver fibrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), which is the common kind of liver cancer compared to other mice that didn't undergo taking the supplement. One more thing, researchers discovered that the said compound boost the lifespan of mice up to 25 percent.

Assistant professor, Leyuan Liu of Texas A&M Institute of Biosciences and Technology's Center for Translational Cancer Research admitted that there could be a lot of ways on how to prevent liver cancer and increase lifespan; however, taking spermidine could be the better approach. Spermidine isn't just present in aged cheese, it is also naturally found in mushrooms, legumes, soy, whole grains, and corn.

While in the report given by Mail Online, liver cancer killed 11,000 people in the UK last 2014 while this has been considered as the fifth biggest cause of death in Wales and England. Hence, the recent study about the health benefits of eating aged cheese could be the answer to this problem and let people enjoy life by having a longer lifespan up to 100 years old.

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