Trump Makes The World Wait On His Decision Over Paris Agreement

The world is currently waiting on US President Donald Trump's decision on staying or pulling out of the Paris agreement. Trump has said before in his presidential campaign and previous interviews that he will withdraw from the environmental deal that was invested by the Obama administration.

In an article published by BBC, Trump was reported to give his final decision on the Paris agreement, key climate change deal, next week. The article also said that the US president has apparently shrugged off pressure from the allies of US in the previous days.

Moreover, he said on his Twitter account that he would make the final decision on the Paris agreement after he returns to Washington. Trump was at the G7 summit in Sicily last Saturday.

In an article published in ABC, he left the summit in Italy without any answer to his unsure commitment on the Paris agreement. Trump is the only president out of other six world leaders in attendance who affirmed their support for the environmental deal.

In his previous interviews and campaigns, he always reiterates that he would pull out of the Paris agreement. Trump has previously called climate change "a hoax" that was created by China.

The uncertainty Trump is giving to other leaders over his stand on the Paris agreement puts him at odds with the other members of the G7. US Defense Secretary James Mattis has said in an interview that Trump is now open to the idea of Paris agreement.

The Paris agreement is the first comprehensive climate agreement in the world. It was set out last 2015, the administrative year before Trump's, in order to keep the global average rise in temperatures below 2C.

As a way to pledge on the Paris agreement, Trump and other countries would reduce their carbon emissions. He previously said that he wants to withdraw from the agreement to fulfill his goal of strengthening the coal industry in the Philippines.

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