The thought of life existing outside of planet Earth has always been an intriguing thought to humanity. A lot of people have always been fascinated by the idea of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and it has been part of cultures all over the world for centuries. However, recent studies by a professor at Montana Tech show that the fascination may mean more than just that. To a point, the study aims at turning ideas about the UFOs a statement of fact.
This scientist believes that UFOs are actually time machines brought in from the future.
Dr. Michael Masters is a biological anthropologist that specializes in the evolution of the human anatomy, biomedicine, and archaeology. Although his claims remain to be very controversial, his background in these varying fields has been used to back up the claims he has made. "The phenomenon known as UFOs may actually be people from the future who are trying to map their evolutionary past," Masters expressed during an interview with a local news station.
He further added, "These unidentified objects have been reported to be bipedal and are walking upright. They are believed to look like humans with five fingers on both hands, two eyes, mouth, and nose. They can also send us messages using a language that humans can identify with."
In his new book entitled "Identified Flying Objects," he discusses all the details of how he understands these UFOs and how he identified them as people from the future. He added, "I have written these for my peers, but it is also as good for anyone in the community of the UFOs."
With the release of his books, he is hopeful that the topic concerning the UFOs is taken more seriously. He hopes that people can get past the stigma that has been associated with the thought of life existing outside of the planet Earth. Masters believes that there is no need for him to defend his findings at any point because it is much science in it as anything else.
The renewed interest in extraterrestrial life may be due to the revelation made by the US government that the Pentagon has launched several more secret projects. Some of these secret projects are aimed at providing information as to the possible life existing beyond the planet Earth. The secret projects directed by the Pentagon were said to have been requested by former Sen. Harry Reid.
It was in the last 2017 when the Advanced Aerospace Threat identification program was made public. The Time further revealed that the UFO project began way back in 2007. This seemingly new evidence about the existence of UFOs indeed opens the doors to more research. The truth of it may seem like an out of this world idea for now, but it is not the end of it. More information will be revealed and each time, it will come as a wonderful surprise, especially to those fascinated about the thought of life existing beyond humankind.