Homeowners are now more well-equipped than ever as the advent of smart home concepts has increased in demand. Appliances, lighting, and other utilities can now be controlled by just a click of a button or even a swipe on a mobile phone. One important accessory that homeowners have on their list is a system of closed-circuit television (CCTV).
The CCTV has become a home essential as it provides additional security to a house. This has prompted homeowners to cause an increase in the demand for CCTV purchases and installations.
The good news is that this added line of security can be installed either by hired professionals or by any DIYer. Often, instructions are provided together with the products.
Experts have five tips for homeowners who wish to install their own CCTVs.
The first expert tip is to forget about hiding the cameras. According to research from the University of North Carolina, most burglars skip properties with CCTV cameras. Some would even install dummy cameras to fend off burglars. However, the need to hide CCTV cameras still differs on a case to case basis, especially for those trying to catch someone in the act, such as an abusive nanny, or a persistent vandaliser.
Another expert tip is to install CCTV cameras in a manner that it could cover more than the front door. There are other entry points to a house such as other doors and windows. Survey has shown that most homeowners neglect to lock their back doors.
The third expert tip is to install motion detectors. Motion detection technology has advanced to a more useful tool as its cameras can now alert the homeowners only if the system detects movements made by human beings and not by cats or swaying plants. Some motion detectors also activate CCTV cameras only when needed. This makes for a more efficient line of security.
Fourth is to go for battery-operated cameras. However, if the location is prone to experiencing cold weather, the battery would drain quickly. In this case, it is better to go for wired cameras that can be powered through the use of weather-proofed outlets.
Lastly, experts wish to remind homeowners to regularly change the password of their CCTV networks. Failing to do so would welcome intruders to peer into the homeowners' cameras. Some CCTV systems could be set up with two-factor authentication procedures.
Security is crucial to a smart home. Using CCTV systems is just one way to contribute to the safety and security of a house.
Five Expert Tips for Installing Your Own CCTV System
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