Scientists Discover the Answer to Hair Regrowth

The newly discovered benefit of kimchi will leave consumers reaching for a jar or two of the spicy Korean delicacy. A study was recently published in The World Journal of Men’s Health have credited hair loss reversal to the daily consumption of juice made out of kimchi.

While kimchi is an all-time favorite as it pairs well with either roasted meat or with noodles, it is also well known for its positive effects on maintaining healthy intestines. Now that scientists from Dankook University near Seoul have shone a light on the role of kimchi in reversing male pattern baldness, the popular side dish has become more than just a snack that has probiotic benefits.

For the study, the scientists studied 23 men participants who are either in their early stages of hair loss or who have visibly thinning hair. The participants were asked to drink the juice made from kimchi twice a day, both before breakfast and before bedtime, for four months. 23 women were also studied for the research and were asked to drink kimchi juice as well.

In their study, the male participants have exhibited an increase in hair count per square centimeter of the scalp. From the initial count which is 85 per square centimeter the new count a month after the experiment came to 90 strands. Four months later, the scientists have counted 92 strands. This puts the effect of kimchi juice on hair growth for the male participants at about 30.4% increase in thickness and a 26.1% increase in strand count. As for the female participants, the researchers have tallied a rate of 65.2% increase for both thickness and strand count.

The research results have revealed that 93% of the participants have increased hair growth. All participants were asked not to use hair treatment products, such as styling gel, for the duration of the experiment. The participants were also asked to wash their hair before they visit the hospital for updating the study.

The researchers have pointed out the adverse effects of current over-the-counter drugs that were meant for hair growth, adding later that the effects of the said drugs are usually temporary.

The team later raised another point saying that kimchi is healthier and safer when it comes to consumption as compared to the said hair loss treatment drugs.

However, critics are pointing out the limitations of the research which include having a small sample size, a short period for testing, and the lack of placebo group participants. With this, there is much more research that needs to be done to further verify the role of kimchi in reversing hair loss.

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