In 2019, everything in the academe was yet still normal. Students carried on with their academic pursuits, as usual, depending on their preference and the career that they wish to have in the future. Of the many different classifications of courses to take, well-loved choices are those in the field of science. When you browse through the many options of courses to take along this line, you'll find that there are just so many, so you're guaranteed to find one that you'd like, career-wise.
The level of popularity that different subjects have among students at a particular moment allows estimating the perspective of career growth and demand. Branches popular now mean the labor market needs precise specialists. Nevertheless, a large number of students willing to study the subject also points to a high level of competence there in future. Most of these subjects are within the field of science.
Basing on the data by The Student Room, experts from the skilled UK essay writing service created the ranked list of most popular sciences among UK students. Here below, they described subjects most students go in for A-level preparations. Meanwhile, some students will also need an ace homework to graduate.
Let's check the list of top 10 popular sciences among students.
1. Mathematics: the Most Popular Discipline among Students
Many people feel it correct to think that math is "the mother of all sciences." When paying attention to the importance of particular subjects, nobody would argue the fact that math is one of the primary educational and scientific disciplines. It is not an accident that children learn numbers along with letters since their first days at school. From the basics and even to the most complicated, math is almost a part of any other career or discipline, so it's expected that it's also a popular science-related course by many.
Students and experts can't do physics, chemistry, astronomy, engineering, architecture, and many other sciences without math. Numbers and accounting are the ground making formulas, equations and problem solving possible. The results of mathematical actions matter for both routine tasks and significant discoveries pushing humanity forward. While learning this course is difficult, it also provides an excellent prospect of career growth in the future, for the very reason that math is needed everywhere.
So, the progress in sciences is directly and tightly connected with math. That's why talented and skilled mathematicians always have an employment opportunity. And of course, the discipline is popular among students.
2. Biology: Students Find Knowledge about Life Popular
Biology is interesting to many, simply because it's the study of life. If you're also looking for a degree in the medical field, biology is a favorite pre-medicine course. In almost all health and medical courses, biology is also studied to a very deep extent.
Botany, zoology, anatomy, molecular biology and genetics, and many other sub-disciplines provide future experts with exciting possibilities. If you're interested in more specific fields, you can also go for marine biology, among others. The interest students show in medical science and nursing, and the deficiency of medical personnel around the world allow understanding reasons why biology is such a popular subject among young people. To assist this rapid fields growth there are online services that help students learn anatomy with online assistance in addition to lectures.
Additionally, modern technological achievements and explorations turn biology from a significantly theoretical to widely practical and popular science. Experiments with neural prostheses connect it with programming and physics. Genome decrypting and editing research may make it possible to "patch" any disease or pathology a living organism has with a single cure injection.
Do not think there is nothing left to explore in biology. That science is still very popular among students. Many things and paths remain unknown. Don't you want to become the one inventing the AIDS vaccine or an ultimate cancer cure? It is probably the biggest reason why biology remains popular among students.
3. Psychology: Popular and Important Discipline
The human mind remains unknown even despite the significant progress in science. Psychology is a relatively young discipline studying aspects of human thinking, behavior, habits, memory mechanisms, etc. Psychology itself is also a broad and popular discipline including multiple specializations.
Psychologists work on theories and may give people expert recommendations. Psychotherapists help depressed personalities overcome their mental blocks and troubles. Psychiatrists work with mentally unstable and broken people to directly "fix" their mind and health.
Psychology is a deep and multi-edged subject. Additionally, it has many aspects remaining unknown. It is a chance for a student to discover something unusual and become famous forever. That is why students make it popular and want to study this discipline.
4. Chemistry: a Popular Subject for Students
Chemistry is simply everything. The human body is the one big chemical reactor. Metallurgy is all about chemistry. Chemistry knowledge helps us make food to eat and clothes to wear. It also lets scientists create new, revolutionary medicine.
It is almost impossible to underestimate the meaning of chemistry to the planet as a whole, and the human in particular. Qualified chemistry specialists have possibilities to work all over the world. Moreover, it will become only more popular among students in the future, as multiple branches only start their development.
5. History: a Popular Knowledge Field
They say a nation not knowing the past doesn't have the future. Lessons that history can give are vital for humanity to make progress and develop our civilization.
Besides, history is just an exciting subject for students. It is interesting to know a lot about people who lived in the past, to provide research on cultures that appeared, evolved, and disappeared due to different reasons. It is critical to find out war history, motives, and cases that began and ended wars.
We bet the wish to know past mistakes and prevent making the same errors in the future is the main reason for students to study history. Various periods and events that changed the world of the past and created the planet we have nowadays remain unknown. Moreover, we might misunderstand something. So, most likely, history is a science which will remain popular until humanity fades away.
6. Literature: a Surprisingly Popular Subject
In case you considered literature to be the forgotten subject, it is time to know you were wrong. Over 40 thousand students prepare for English Literature exams only in the UK during 2019. It is 4 thousand fewer than that of 2018, but the quantity is still impressive.
Young people all over the world want to explore the world of literary art and science. They feel it necessary to learn written texts and to track tendencies throughout the time. Literature has always reflected the culture, religion, social problems, and worries people could have in different historical periods.
If history is more about facts and dates, then literature is about emotions, thoughts, and motives of authors. When treating literature sources carefully and correctly, students can discover past events much deeper. Considering that, the reasons for literature popularity among students become apparent. Of course, literature is an art. However, at the same time, it can be a science.
7. Physics: Students Want to Know the Very Basics
Physics is the popular science researching the most common properties of the material world. Throughout its development, physics has been gaining more and more sub-disciplines, aspects, dimensions, and levels. From the atomic interactions to the level of galaxies, physics is a science answering two fundamental questions: "How?" and "Why?"
This popular science includes both theoretical discussions and practical experiments and implementations. Engineering is physics. Astronomy is physics. Building is physics. Energetics is physics. Everything you see and feel around can be expressed, calculated, researched, and explained through that broad science.
Young people frequently think there is nothing to explore in physics. However, multiple processes of this science remain unexplained. Additionally, physicists of our times often doubt theories and axioms that used to be right in the past. Some of them even argue the genius Albert Einstein and his relativity theory. Think about it. Fifty years ago, most experts of this science treated Einstein's concepts as undisputed facts, as the basis of the whole discipline.
Can you even imagine potential discoveries best physics students of today would make in the nearest future? We can't. But we are sure it will become only more popular.
8. Sociology: UK Students Learn Societies
Sociology is the science about society and social processes. This makes it one of the most important social sciences to get acquainted with. With the growth of the human population and the inhabited area expansion, the need to understand the mechanisms of social interaction becomes more and more urgent. So, students planning to choose sociology as their primary science can be sure about their future.
Sociology matters for national development processes and programs, politics, education, and even business. The multicultural world makes it critical to understand reasons and consequences of social interactions and conflicts, to solve social problems, and to improve social institutes. The importance of sociological science disciplines will only increase with time.
That said, here's a bonus for you to read, for your complete guide on why social science is important. In doing so, you may be even more convinced that if this is your chosen field, you can contribute greatly to the society in which you belong.
9. Geography: It Still Remains Popular
Did you consider geography as a "finished" science? That seems logical: if geography is the science "describing the land," then there is nothing to describe in our times.
Of course, geography specialists created detailed maps of all continents long ago. But geography goes far beyond the limits of cartography. It is the science going deep into the land layers under your feet and the surface of oceans.
By the way, how many oceans are there on the planet? You probably thought of four ones. Well, you are only 50% right. In the year of 2000, the World's hydrography organization accepted the division of water surfaces into five oceans: Arctic, Atlantic, Indian, Pacific, and Southern. Still, the decision remains unratified by the international community. In terms of the law, there still are only four "standard" oceans.
Geographical researches and explorations are far from their finish. So, geography will surely remain among popular sciences for students.
10. Business: Students Discover Market Mechanisms
Business can also be accepted as a scientific discipline, particularly accounting, finance and economics. The development of capitalism turned that branch of human activity into a separate knowledge field requiring particular educational programs. It's considered a science because of common laws, concepts, and approaches possible to systemize and apply them in any business.
However, among all other science-related degrees, business surprisingly doesn't make it to the top priority choices. It is surprising and quite pleasant to find out that business sciences are not the priority for most of the modern students.
To Conclude
These were the top 10 popular subjects among modern UK students in the year 2019. For the present statistics, it's safe to conclude that not much has changed in this list, given that today, learning is so much more different than it was before. As of writing, schools have yet to resume due to a pandemic, so the academic pursuit of students is also yet put on hold. But, this list can