With the renewed push for tackling climate and environmental issues comes an added plus for banks making the switch to online services. By going green, banks are still bringing in the green. By allowing services to be conducted online, it saves a vast amount of resources. Less paper for accounting services and money in circulation means more trees can be left to grow. People can manage their accounts online and do everything from the comfort of home, which makes this a flexible option as well.
Furthermore, mobile banking is quick and convenient for those who can quickly operate a smartphone, so banking can happen virtually everywhere nowadays. With less paper needed for banking documents, we can easily swipe and click, and of course save on the hassle of keeping folders and drawers in order. Online banking is in sum a perfect example of how green initiatives ought to operate!
How Do Environmental Trends Change?
Environmental changes over several industries have been tough to swallow for certain companies, because it can often be quite more expensive, in terms of overhead specifically, to be environmentally friendly. However, a lot of companies are forced into this mindset, which has been mainly perpetuated by the customer centric style of marketing over the last few years.
The consumer simply has the power in today's market. With the Internet came the possibility of personal "attacks" on companies. While the press obviously has reported on companies for many years prior to the commercialized Internet, the accessibility of the Internet fostered the opportunity for environmental activists to slay down on sinning companies all by themselves.
It also fostered the opportunity for a virtually paperless society. Especially in the banking industry, where not only documents and such come in paper, but also money of course, the Internet and concepts such as cards for payments are great news. Banks have embraced this, and doughroller's list of online banks just goes to show how the greatest banks continue to have an even greater presence online than in physical form today.
Why is the Flexibility So Important?
The ability to be flexible is extremely important if an environmental change seeks to gain traction within a population. For instance, one of the greatest reasons that people do not recycle, is simply that they think it is too tedious. That speaks volumes, as the process takes very little effort in reality. Yet, there are some hurdling blocks, and that keeps many away from doing it.
Thankfully, online banking is one of the few environmental trends that also provides flexibility. In fact, the flexibility is the fuel that keeps the online banking running and growing. The likelihood that an online bank started due to a concern for the environment is very little. Environmentally friendly practices merely happened to be a result of this change in banking practices.
Regardless of the origin of this change however, the idea that flexibility for the consumer, large cost savings for the bank, and of course the environmental benefits for the society, all meet in one innovative idea, is fantastic news for everyone. Just imagine for a second the reduced amount of traffic, as people would not drive to the bank ever again.
Online Banking Future - Mobile Banking and Cryptocurrencies
Few individuals prophesied online banking, and therefore it is close to impossible to predict what future banking will bring. What we do know however is that mobile banking is completely taking over for computer banking. The increased flexibility of being able to check your balance on the phone, pay friends, and many other functions, have gained great traction for the banking apps.
Furthermore, a magnificent trend within the online banking realm has been the rise of cryptocurrencies. This technology is no longer only a part of the dark web transactions. Instead, several governments have vowed to seriously consider the use of cryptocurrencies for various purposes. Cryptocurrencies could potentially remove paper cash as a whole, as the currency itself obviously would also change. Additionally, the blockchain technology has drawn interest and is being implemented as an additional layer of security to make banking more secure.
Mobile banking and cryptocurrencies are however only a couple of the innovative ways that banking will be reliant upon moving forward. For instance, artificial intelligence will also automize and optimize online banking, that will further bring more environmental benefits.
This Is Why You Should Utilize Online Banking
Online banking is quite possibly one of the greatest news for the environment. The reduced use of paper, as well as the reduced traffic to and from the bank, alone accounts for the reduction of massive tons of emissions. Furthermore, the increased flexibility on the consumer's part has been vital to the adaption of this technology, something that will keep proving important moving forward.
You should utilize online banking, as it brings about a better environment, as well as a more flexible day for yourself. Maybe the technology takes some time to get used to, but once you have invested a little bit of time, you are ready to go with this environmentally friendly option!