Believe it or not, anxiety is common in dogs. Like in humans, there can be various external reasons why the usual bubbly and friendly canine companion suddenly becomes erratic and restless. The American Kennel Club lists three common causes of anxiety in dogs: fear, separation, and old age.
Types of Anxiety
Like humans, dogs fear the unknown and the unfamiliar. Strange and loud noises are the primary adversary of dogs along with stuff that looks menacing and intimidating to them. Sometimes dogs can be afraid of specific places like the veterinary clinic or cars.
Separation can also cause anxiety with dogs. This is particularly common with puppies and should no longer be an issue as soon as they mature. Yet, there are cases that dogs do not outgrow their separation anxiety. They grow very uncomfortable and insecure whenever they are left behind by their owners and will manifest by destroying furniture and urinating or defecating randomly around the house.
Lastly, old age. Not as prevalent compared when in younger dogs, anxiety in old dogs are mostly symptoms of cognitive dysfunction, much like Alzheimer's disease in old humans. Symptoms of anxiety would include panting, drooling, compulsive behavior, destructive behavior, and always pacing around, to name a few. It is also acknowledged that maybe these symptoms are the effects of a dog's traumatic experience.
Dealing with Anxiety
Dog owners often look for tips in dealing with their dog's anxiety to prevent behavioral issues and some even seek medical help. Before, owners would seek professional dog trainers to make their pets outgrow these issues. Unfortunately, there will be cases of dogs not outgrowing their anxiety—specifically separation anxiety. Luckily, the Food and Drug Administration has approved the distribution of cheaper medicines for dogs last Wednesday. This set of medicine particularly targets dogs who have separation anxiety.
In their official statement, the FDA explains that the approved drug is the generic clomipramine hydrochloride tablets to be "used as part of a comprehensive behavioral management program to treat separation anxiety in dogs greater than 6 months." Clomipramine hydrochloride is the generic name of Clomicalm, a set of oblong shaped tablets that belong to the dibenzazepine class of antidepressants. It is of a light brown color and mixed with some meat components and is strictly for animal use. The medicine are prescribed in 5, 20, 40, and 80 mg.
The approval of Clomicalm is a response to the study published by the American Veterinary Medical Association that at least 20–40 percent of dogs in North America undergo anxiety. Clomicalm tablets are manufactured under Mizner Bioscience LLC in Boca Raton in Florida and are available through prescription.
Clomicalm works by targeting the release of serotonin in the central nervous system. The primary effect of this is lethargy which is completely normal. The medicine works best when taken orally.
Since it's strictly for animal consumption, it is advised that it is to be kept away from children and medical help should be immediately sought if ever ingested. Another cheaper medicine for dogs that was approved recently by the FDA was Reconcile with its primary ingredient fluoxotine hydrochloride. This medicine contains the same ingredient as the antidepressant Prozac.