The digital world keeps expanding each day. Now and then, you will hear of innovations whose primary goal is to help people manage their lives comfortably and without much stress. Besides that, the coding world, which goes hand in hand with digitalization, keeps on improving. Programmers no longer have to deal with large blocks of codes.
One of the newest technologies in the digital world is Kubernetes, which is otherwise known as K8s. If you are interested in knowing what it is and why the concept is becoming popular among many developers today, then here is an article that describes everything you need to know about Kubernetes.
How applications operate
Primarily, an application needs an operating system (OS) to operate. The OS does the work of deciding how much storage and hardware requirements the app needs to operate within the computer. If it is compatible, the OS will accept its installation.
In a situation where many applications are operating within the same app, it would mean that all of them depend on the same hardware resources. Meaning, one of them could take up more space or resources than the others could.
Problems that cropped up with such a system
● If one app fails, it will slow down the other apps, or even if it would lead to failover. Other apps will cease to function as well, and it makes it difficult to scale up the app, which is a problem many businesses would never want to face if their business model depends on the platform entirely.
● Detecting issues within the system becomes a problem. You know that a simple app consists of hundreds of codes. If you cannot identify it, it may mean that pulling down the entire system will be the best solution. That can bring delays and frustration among customers if your business model depends on that app.
● Managing and updating the app is expensive since there was an issue of compatibility among so many apps.
Here is where Kubernetes comes in
Before this concept came to being, virtual machines were the solution. However, they operated like a physical machine; hence, resources would be limited.
Kubernetes came in to save the day. The idea was originally contrived by Google, which they developed in 2014. Later, Google donated it to the Cloud computing community.
By definition, Kubernetes operates similarly to your laptop's operating system. You do not have to worry about the underlying resources because it cares about that.
Now, Kubernetes can cluster all the containers, making it easy for developers to upgrade and maintain the application or website.
By the way, in case there are issues within the app, it can detect and replace the affected components. We also refer to this as the self-healing process.
You are also able to solve the issue of compatibility. All the system components depend on the container orchestrator to operate within a given environment.
The best Kubernetes option
Since Google's donation, there have been many companies coming up to help enterprises. The market is full of options you can choose from, but which one should be the best option for you?
The answer depends on so many things.
For instance, you have to consider your needs first. If the platform you deploy does not adhere to your business model, then it might be dangerous to use such infrastructure. You might lose so many assets if it compromises on security; alternatively, you may end up paying more money for resources that you do not need.
Apart from that, you have to know the best Kubernetes provider in terms of reviews. Get to know what previous clients or other enterprises say about deploying Kubernetes on premise using a particular provider.
Final remarks
From this article, we can conclude that Kubernetes is essential for almost all enterprises that depend on many servers to operate. Practically all companies rely on them because of digitization.
With them, you are sure that your business becomes extra efficient; your clients can have an easy time browsing through your site and new developers will have an easy time detecting problems and solving them. Therefore, you have no option but to use this concept for your website.