Concussion Recovery Not Yet Clear For Children

What is a Concussion?

Concussion is an injury to the head that may cause the brain not to normally function for a short period. It usually happens when an injury makes the head move back and forth with a great amount of force. This can sometimes result in a loss of awareness for a few minutes up to a few hours. Some concussions are known to be mild, and you will not be able to distinguish once a concussion has occurred.

Usually, kids and teenagers who follow the recommendations of their health care doctors feel better within a few weeks after the concussion.

Concussion in children

Most injuries that are related to sports, such as concussions - which gets in the way of how the brain works temporarily - are brief. Nevertheless, concussion in children can cause some serious health risks and may not be safe.

It takes time to heal head injuries. Children are advised to rest from both physical and mental children for about two days after the concussion and then return to normal activities.

Children who return to school right after a concussion might need to have classroom adjustment. If activities such as reading, jogging, or memorizing can cause headaches, the child should take a short break, then continue the activities for short periods.

Children can experience complications if they return to sports activities before a concussion has recovered. If there any suspicions of concussion, it is best not to return to play until there are improvements in the symptoms.

Concussion symptoms

Concussion symptoms include headaches, fatigue, irritability, and encountering difficulty with thinking, such as memory block and attention.

The disorder of concussion symptoms that lasts longer than a normal recovery period is called a pre-concussion.

Until now, it is still unclear why not everyone experiences the pre-concussion syndrome. Some say that the repetition of concussions might increase the risk of post-concussion syndrome.

Researchers still continue to study other possible long-term effects of concussion. To protect your children from head injuries, it is advisable to let them wear helmets along with appropriate protective equipment during sports activities. Nevertheless, it is not guaranteed that protective equipment can prevent all concussions.

Without losing consciousness, you can still get concussions. You must make sure that your child's coach will be able to know if your child has a concussion. And your child should not be allowed to play until a medical professional has told it.

People are more likely to get a concussion if they had it before. Preventing concussions is very important after a head injury. To prevent this from happening, you must make sure your child is wearing protective equipment for activities such as skiing, snowboarding, and such. While wearing a helmet or protective equipment, there is still a chance for concussions to happen, but the helmet will protect your child from brain damage.

If you think your child has a concussion, it is better to seek medical help. The child's health care provider will be able to distinguish how bad the concussion is and when it is safe for your child to return to sports activities and such.

ALSO READ: Signs of concussion in children and toddlers

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