Science is the empirical analysis of hypotheses backed up by evidence. So, it's fairly reliable. Yet, there are some phenomena that still can't be explained by science. One of those is psychic abilities. Indeed, one in three Americans claim that they have experienced a psychic moment according to a YouGov poll. Those who are spiritual await personal experience of something before committing it as a belief. So, is there a way for spirituality and science to go hand in hand?
Psychologist Bem reported to have found evidence that ESP (extrasensory perception) could be used to predict when a certain image would appear on a screen. His experiment involved a group of test subjects guessing whether or not an image would pop up behind a curtain on screen. In the study, there was a 53.7% chance that they guessed correctly. This gives some credence to the ability to predict what would come next. While there have been many other studies into such phenomena, few provide such interesting results as Bem's.
Deja-vu has also been studied by scientists in order to determine whether or not it is an example of us predicting events. Freud claimed it was a manifestation of unconscious fantasy, while others suggest it is merely a delay in our brain transferring information. Though others still are adamant it proves there is some element of sixth sense at play. Most people do have some anecdotal evidence of knowing something before it has happened.
One of the most interesting fortune telling examples is the psychic. Psychics, mediums, and clairvoyants tap into otherworldly knowledge to give us information about the deceased or advice on life. As TheCircle shows, there are plenty of psychics and clairvoyants making a living today. People rely on these expert psychic Readers in order to receive some spiritual guidance, and many people make return visits, happy with their results. Whether it is a Tarot Reader, clairvoyant, or medium, each one has a unique way of finding answers and fulfilment. And most who visit have an example of these experts knowing something they otherwise couldn't have done.
Following the teachings of our star signs - the set of characteristics assigned based on when we were born and where the planetary forces were strongest - is also popular. But is there any science behind that? Well, there is evidence that using star charts and specific methods to determine star signs is actually scientific. Researchers into the subject behave in a scientific manner and attempt to answers questions reinforced with evidence and provable facts.

It also leads to continuing research and discusses testable ideas, which indicate that while many might choose not to believe in them, they are of some scientific value. After all, not everyone has the same metabolism, some people survive without significant organs, and others have different reactions to drugs. So not all scientific things can be equally distributed across a population. The essence of being spiritual is believing what can be seen and experienced on a personal level, much as science is based around committing to fact that which can be tested.
While science hasn't given us any conclusive results, many people remain open-minded about psychic phenomena and the ability to use such abilities to divine our futures. Quantitative evidence may be light on the ground, but there is plenty of qualitative evidence to convince you that there is something about the greater consciousness that indicates psychic abilities are apparent.