Science and its power are immense, nothing will stop the new age of scientific discovery, hurtling towards everyone. The world view is so complex that it poses questions and shatter everything that God has crafted. Even God will be subjected to radical ideas and how we believe in them, as 2020 rolls forward into another decade of discovery.
Through the ages, the world changes as science influenced everyone, as the field of sciences re-writes the world. Nothing to do but sit back as the future hurtles forward, as everyone hangs on for dear life. Future is one step forward and no step back, behold what comes next. As the year 2020, unravels all the wonders and horrors are coming and there is no stopping it.
The FLU is getting a universal flu vaccine soon.
Getting sick with the flu is not major, and one of these sicknesses that is normal for everyone. One problem with it that it does not have a cure or a vaccine-like most ailments. When any gets hit by it, they go down and stay sick for several days. Companies are working on it and might be ready by 2020 if it proves a success chalk up another ailment gone.
Small brains count and will get bigger.
Brains, brains are what a zombie mutters and now mini-brains called "organoids", grown from human stems cells might be a small entrée. These mini-brains are almost as good as full brains, that might replace specific damaged brain parts for patients. So far only fetal brains are grown, it might change later when fuller brains can be grown in 10 years. Or later used on people to replace damaged parts of the brain or a new brain?
Sustainable and renewable, transformed energy systems will be coming soon.
As climate change should be staved as soon as now, there are problems with achieving a zero-carbon footprint. Another goal is zero-energy that means energy is renewable and sustainable without impacting the environment. Increased carbon emissions from industry and cars, EVs have a slight footprint too. Focusing on energy systems that could be recaptured, transferred, or in a shared grid will make a difference.
Axion where did you go in the quantum world.
Discovering the "God" particle or Higgs boson was quite an achievement for physicists, and was crème-de-crème if the standard model of quantum physics. Next to be discovered is the axiom that part of the dark matter in the universe at large. If any physicist discovers the axiom and how it interacts with particles, it will solve mysteries about dark matter.
Exoplanets, or a new home for humanity.
The clock is ticking for humans on this dust ball called Earth, with ecology in tatters or worse reforming the environment will take longer. If anything happens to mother earth, there is a need for an alternate exoplanet to house humankind. Astronomers pointing their scopes to the sky and looking for a blue planet like ours will be important.
All people living at this moment are at the age of the new scientific discovery, all changes to shatter as the world is reshaped in 2020 to the beyond. Science will be the engine of change and will drive everything to where everyone is headed.
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