An arcane universal phenomenon like wormholes is about to take an interesting twist to prove that they do exist for real and not just in theory. One theory about wormholes is that they connect universes, in areas of spacetime that has unknown qualities yet to be understood. This is if space-time anomalies are proven to be real, not imagination.
Seriously enough, there is study forwarded, with methods outline how to detect it. This is tantalizing because it offers another view of the universe, not just based on the standard model. One reason that wormhole is sort of arcane is that it defies certain conventions accepted in physics.
A paper submitted on 2019 October 10, in Physical Review D had it outlined and mapped out the process to look for these galactic anomalies in the universe. Since there no technology to find out about space-time bridges, this method is something to consider as a starter for the search of wormholes.
It all begins at the Sagittarius A, which gives indications that I might be a supermassive black hole right smack in the middle of our home galaxy. Mostly just an educated guess because of the assumption that wormhole is sitting just there until it gets stumbled onto. Scientists assume that wormholes will lie in the near vicinity of a black hole, which are sources of extreme gravity that consumes light and matter.
If the Sagittarius A indeed a black hole, then it follows wormhole will be formed because it needs the gravity of the black hole to form up. The reason for this is that the gravity of a black hole serves as an anchor for the wormhole, that has an exit on the other end with similar matter crushing gravitation. So, the assumption is to look for changes in gravitation in the orbit of stars around Sagittarius A.
Mechanics of forming a wormhole is to have extreme gravitation on either end, powerful gravity like from two black holes or stars will hold the wormhole together. It could be that gravity bored a hole into spacetime, like a worm in an apple thus a "wormhole". If a deviation is found, then a wormhole is active in that spot too. Another is locating all the deviations in the area will help zero in on it accurately.
Scientists are sure that wormholes will not be used as space bridges because of several problems, and technically mankind has no tech to even leave the solar system yet. One problem is that it takes a vast amount of anti-matter or negative energy to hold the wormhole open or be crushed inside it. Even projecting one in local space will be hard to create, plus not knowing what happens and the risks involved.
Lastly, proving that wormholes exist and if it can be entered and exited will be something to consider. Plus, the true nature of spacetime will be revealed once and for all. Another is these space-time anomalies might prove the answer to how Einstein's equation works. If one is detected, then a new chapter of cosmology is coming.
Related Article: How to Spot a Wormhole - Physicists Describe a Technique for Detecting Spacetime Bridges