There was a time when people assumed that our Solar System is the only system in the universe that contains a habitable planet - our Earth. And no one can blame anyone! After all, as far as we know, we are one of a kind. So, imagine what a rude awakening it was when, one by one, other planets in the habitable zone, are discovered!
For a planet to be "habitable", scientists say that it must be relatively small, which will make it "rocky" and not filled with gas and it must orbit at a safe distance from its star, allowing liquid water to exist. Because other habitable planets exist in our observable universe, it's only relevant to ask: is there extraterrestrial intelligence on those planets? Are we truly alone?
Well, like most of us, the SETI Institute in Mountain View California, also wants to find out. The only difference is they are actively seeking alien intelligence through various methods in collaboration with different institutions, one of which is New Mexico's Very Large Array observatory. With these two giants working together to answer a question that has been the subject of multiple science fiction films and novels, the truth is now closer than ever.
VLA and SETI's technique to capture signs of extraterrestrial life is simple: be ready to receive the signal at all times. And they will do this by building 28 huge radio telescopes which will serve as our eyes in space, ever-ready to catch intelligent signals like laser beams and light flashes. Of course, financing the project will be a tough hurdle, but already, some people are stepping up, like Apple Executive and SETI Institute Trustee, John Giannandrea.
Additionally, SETI and VLA have also teamed up with The National Radio Astronomy Observatory or NRAO to advance the radio astronomy technology to capture unearthly signals more effectively.
With expert astronomers and scientists, dedicated financers, and the fact that there are about 4,000 detected exoplanets in the observable universe, isn't it possible to have life elsewhere?
The expanse of our universe and the number of undiscovered planets are a double-edged sword: on one hand, the possibility that other life forms are present is there; it's hard not to think about it when the universe is so huge. On the other side, we need more advanced technology to be able to reach out farther. It seems like with SETI, VLA, and NRAO - the technology side will no longer be a problem.
It is undeniable the effects of making contact are unpredictable and not something to be taken lightly, so others, like the renowned Stephen Hawking, firmly believe that reaching out to the extraterrestrial will not be good for humans. Even so, Andrew Siemon, the Berkley SETI Center Director, disagrees. He feels that to reach out is the human thing to do to establish connections. Not only does Siemon believe that humans should initiate contact, but he also has no doubts that we will be able to do so soon.