World Engineering Day is set for the annual celebration. It also marks the international day of engineering and engineers by UNESCO beginning from this year onwards.
This event follows the UNESCO's 40th General Conference which was held in November 2019, a recognition of the resolution to declare March 4 every year as a World Engineering Day celebration for Sustainable Development.
The said proclamation took place at the backdrop World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) proposal in 2018 to proclaim the 4th of March as a World Engineering Day, the Federation's founding day in 1968. This celebration is an appropriate opportunity to celebrate the important contributions of engineering and engineering practitioners to modern life and sustainable development.
A Celebration of Career
This celebration of the World Engineering day is also about the promotion of engineering as a career of choice. More so, it is a celebration too, of how engineering can change the world for everybody's benefit. A great deal of solutions in engineering is needed to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, specifically in the developing nations.
For example, to guarantee everyone's access to sanitation, reliable energy, clean water, and other basic needs of humans, engineering professionals are required to attend the event.
For the rest of the nations, there is a great deal to be done, as well, to be done with the effects of climate change, the growing cities, artificial intelligence or AI, and challenges met, for new technologies. There are lots of great opportunities this yearly event can be employed to engage with young individuals and tell them, if they want to change the world for the better, they should be an engineer.
What the Event's Logo Means
Part of the logo designs are the 17 colors of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and they represent the dedication to the "UN 2030 Agenda." Incidentally, the colors found at the center of the logo are intended for the Energy, Development Goals for both Water and Sustainable Development Goals for Water, Energy, Sustainable Infrastructure and Innovation."
These are considered as the main areas where engineers are indeed, badly needed. The main objective of Engineering Education is central, too, as the world is in need of more engineers "who have the right engineering skills for sustainable development."
The image of the globe in the logo is incorporated to show that this celebration is a global day for everyone and sundry. Then, the gears included in the logo design, show that engineers are here to drive the world forward and that this field is very vital for sustainable development.
Meanwhile, one of the justifications of UNESCO for the annual celebration of the World Engineering Day is that both the "engineering professionals and engineering projects are very important in achieving a peaceful world as it's the engineers who will come up and implement systems and technologies that will advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals as they relate to energy, water, sustainable cities, environment and natural disasters resilient areas, among others. And this is very vital for inclusion and to address unequal access to these technologies which leads to unequal incomes.