Today, we live in an era of instant gratification. The pace of technological advance has become so great that too many people are turning to innovative devices to do everything for them. This has led many people to cast aside reading in favor of the internet, movies, TV, and much more. This has not been lost on Amani Alshehhi, who has made it her work to share her love of reading with everyone. Her Instagram account has collected a large number of followers who love reading her reviews in an effort to learn something new about the stimulating works they have just read. Even in today's society, the world of reading still provides numerous benefits that everyone should know.
Amani Alshehhi knows that reading can provide people with a form of mental stimulation they simply cannot find anywhere else. The mind is like any other muscle. People need to use it or else they are going to lose it. Reading is a way for people to push the boundaries of what they know. In this sense, mental stimulation from reading is going to lead to critical thinking skills. People don't know what they don't know. In this manner, reading is a way for people to expand their knowledge base as they learn about something new and think critically about the world around them. Amani Alshehhi tries to push people to do that with his love of reading.
Reading is also a great way for people to reduce their stress levels. Today's world is as stressful as it ever was in the past. This stress has a tremendous impact on people's quality of life. Amani Alshehhi tries to educate people to read because this offers a way for them to temporarily escape the world around them and learn about something new. There are all types of books including those that transport people to distant, fantasy worlds that exist within their pages. Amani Alshehhi seeks to provide people with new books they can read. Then, as people get sucked into a great novel, they will feel their stresses melt away.
Finally, Amani Alshehhi encourages others to explore the world of reading because it teaches people how to become leaders. Amani Alshehhi got his love of reading from his father. Her father used to always tell her that the reader of today is going to become the next leader of tomorrow. Amani Alshehhi has taken that to heart. Her work through social media and in his broadcasting career has proven that he is a great leader. Now, she is sharing his knowledge of reading with others, making a positive impact on the world around him using the power of books.