Check Out Tattoo Pain Chart Showing Where You'd Probably Get Hurt Most or Least

A tattoo pain chart that was originally published by Healthline is going viral on Reddit after it was shared by a user that goes by the name 'toletpainter'.

The chart shows how much will every part of the body hurt when getting a tattoo.

Most Painful Parts

Healthline said that 'it's likely most painful to get a tattoo on a part of your body with many nerve endings, close to bones without much fat, or where your skin is very thin. Pain in these areas may be high to severe.'

These most painful parts are the armpit, rib cage, ankles and shin, nipples, breasts, groin, elbow or kneecap, behind the knees, hips, neck and spine, head, face, ears, lips, hands, fingers feet, toes, stomach, and inner bicep.

Least Painful Parts

Healthline meanwhile explained that the least painful are "Areas that likely cause the least amount of pain when tattooed tend to be padded with some fat, have tight skin, have few nerve endings, and aren't close to bones."

These least painful parts are upper outer high forearm, outer shoulders, outer bicep, calves, and upper and lower back.

READ ALSO: The Link Between Tattoos and Your Health: Safety and Precautions

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