Autopsy Report: George Floyd May Not Have Died from Asphyxia

The whole world witnessed the death of George Floyd on Monday when a viral video showed a Minneapolis police officer kneeling on Floyd's neck for almost 9 minutes. No pulse was found after. An autopsy by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner found "no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxiation or strangulation.'

Derek Michael Chauvin, the officer in the video, was fired and is being charged with third-degree murder - 'perpetrating eminently dangerous act and evincing depraved mind', reads the complaint. Chauvin is also being charged with second-degree manslaughter - culpable negligence creating unreasonable risk.

The statement of probable cause explains what happened before the arrest. Someone called 911 to report a man paying with a counterfeit $20 bill. The store personnel pointed the police to the man's parked car around the corner.

Officers Thomas Lane and J.A. Keung, equipped with body-worn cameras (BWCs), approached the vehicle where Floyd, along with one male adult and one female adult, were inside. Floyd was asked to step out of the vehicle and initially resisted being handcuffed.

Eventually, after being compliant, Floyd was assisted towards their squad car. He was asked if he was on anything and was told that he's boing arrested for passing counterfeit money.

Heading to the squad car, 'Floyd stiffened up, fell to the ground and told the officers he was claustrophobic.' Officer Chauvin arrived with his partner as the officers continued to try and bring Floyd into the squad car. Floyd kept intentionally falling, reads the report while saying he would not get in the car and refused to stand still as well.

'I Can't Breathe'

While Floyd stood outside of the car, he began repeating that he couldn't breathe. After being assisted in the car, the Chauvin took him out of the vehicle, and Floyd went on the ground face down still handcuffed. It was at this time that Chauvin placed his left knee on Floyd's neck. Floyd was repeatedly saying 'I can't breathe; mama; please.'

Kueng held his back while Lane held his legs and none of the officers altered their position. The officers had an exchange: 'You are talking fine' one said to Floyd. Lane asked Chauvin 'should we roll him on his side?' The defendant replied 'no, staying put where we got him.'

Lane expressed that he was worried about excited delirium or another effect this position could do to Floyd. Chauvin said back, 'that's why we have him on his stomach.' Two minutes before the video ended, Floyd stopped moving. Kueng checked for a pulse and 'couldn't find one.'

Underlying Health Issues

An ambulance arrived and brought Floyd to Hennepin County Medical Center where he was pronounced dead. The Hennepin County Medical Examiner (ME) conducted the autopsy saying that asphyxia was not the cause of death. Floyd had underlying health issues including hypertensive heart disease and coronary artery disease.

Both diseases combined with being restrained by the police, plus any potential intoxicants may have contributed to his death.The full ME's report is still pending.

George Floyd's death has sparked two movements - protests and riots all over the nation, and his Gospel legacy in Third Ward, Texas.

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