Cryptocurrencies are becoming very popular over a period of time. Most of the companies or a lot of companies all across the world has shown a lot of positive sign with respect to accepting bitcoin as a regular fiat currency. Even if not fiat at least to make it even more widely accepted in the world. So that it could be another major form of payment that is used and accepted all over the world.
Those follow bitcoin union will know more about the bitcoins and about all the details of the bitcoin. Many people still find it difficult to accept bitcoin because they still suffer to understand where else can the cryptocurrency be used in 2020.
10 Things you can buy with Cryptocurrency in 2020
There is a lot of things that you can buy using cryptocurrency in 2020. All of us have no idea about what could such things hence I would like to list it here.
Gift cards
This is the most common kind of thing that you can get using the cryptocurrency. Like you also get a gift card for gold or any such asset, likewise, you will also get a gift card for the cryptocurrency. You can easily buy anything using the gift card, you will need to be very clever while you redeem the card.
Among the food that is most commonly available is a pizza delivered at your doorstep. This is the most common order than any bitcoin holder would order. But recently the KFC and the Subway have also started to accept payment in bitcoins. Most of the pizza joints and the delivery boys accept crypto payment. Even burger king is thinking to make the bitcoin permanent for prepaid orders.
Home Goods
In some countries, you can buy furniture and vacuum cleaners in bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies. It is very convenient to use cryptocurrency so that they do not have to spend money from their savings account, they can simply use the cryptocurrencies to buy the home goods.
Oklahoma has mane car dealers who accept bitcoin but also in almost the whole of America people can buy cars with bitcoin. Mostly all the bitcoin billionaires and the millionaire use cryptocurrency to buy luxury cars like Audi, BMW, Jaguar, etc. Mostly bitcoin is used to buy such cars.
Real Estate
This is although very common, any kind of real estate can be bought using the cryptocurrencies that you have. You can buy any kind of asset including property, house, or any real estate property.
Some of the pharmaceutical drugs can be bought using bitcoin which means that you need not spend as much in the medicines in cash as you used. You can now buy some of the items in bitcoins and the rest can be bought using money.
Luxury Goods
Luxury goods like the most precious metal which is gold. Only gold can be bought using the number of bitcoins that are required. So, one can use the bitcoin that he/she has stored for long and use it to buy some kind of real luxury goods. Some might think that luxury goods are some important valuable goods like gold.
Flight booking
This is already in use; you can already use your bitcoins to book the flights now. It has been facilitated in a way so that you need not use money, you can just use bitcoins to buy a flight ticket and if in some cases you can efficiently buy both way tickets. Hence you can easily use the crypto now to book your flights.
This is sad but it is true, one can buy his own casket using the cryptocurrency. It is not a real good thing but again as they say that you cannot decide how you come on earth but you get to decide how to leave from this earth.
Taxi Ride
Last but not the least, you are allowed to use bitcoin to buy a taxi ride, or just hire a taxi for a ride. Earlier it could not have been thought so but now, this is the reality. You can actually buy a ride in bitcoin.