Worried About Your Studies During the COVID-19 Pandemic? Try These Tips to Let the Stress Out

Students can face an array of emotions now that schools are put on hold, and the uncertainty of how to proceed next still remains.

Some may find it too stressful, and it is entirely normal. If adults go through the stresses of the pandemic, students are at risk for it as well.

COVID-19 stress on students
Tips for students on handling stress during the coronavirus pandemic Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Whether you're a graduate student or an undergrad, feelings of anxiety, sadness, and uncertainty have most probably hit you during the pandemic. Worry not, you are not alone.

With routines disrupted and schedules all broken, how must students proceed now? Here are a few tips to keep your mental health right on track.

1. Use cognitive-behavioral skills

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of psychological treatment that has been effective for an array of problems such as depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, alcohol, drug use problems, marital problems, and severe mental illness.

Many studies suggest that CBT leads to meaningful improvement in functioning and quality of life.

How you think affects how you feel, and therefore also affects how you behave. If you are aware that you are having a negative thought, quickly change it to a positive one. Repeat these positive thinking statements several times a day.

It would also help reading or repeating daily affirmations to get some positive thoughts in your head and make you feel recharged.

2. Stay active

From getting less stress to having a boost in self-esteem, staying active is just as great for your brain as it is for your body.

According to Walden University, exercise is scientifically proven to boost one's mood and lessen depression and anxiety symptoms. Physical activity raises endorphin levels, which is also known as the body's "feel-good" chemical.

The brain and spinal cord produce endorphins. Furthermore, it produces feelings of happiness and euphoria.

Regular exercise also has a positive impact on depression, anxiety, ADHD, and other conditions. Moreover, it also relieves stress, improves memory, aids in sleep better, and boosts your overall mood.

3. Talk to someone

It is always best to share your worries and burdens with someone else during difficult times than to keep them all to yourself. Having a trusted friend of a family member, you can turn to during difficult times might just be exactly what you need.

According to the Victoria State Government's Better Health Channel, talking through problems can help release pent-up feelings. Usually, when a person lets all their worries and fears out, they feel better afterward and feel encouraged to carry on with their lives.

Additionally, talking to someone outside of the situation could also help find a solution to the problem.

4. Breathe deeply

According to Harvard, doing deep abdominal breathing facilitates full oxygen exchange. Moreover, it can slow the heartbeat and stabilize and even lower one's blood pressure.

Breathing deeply can enforce a relaxation response, which can also be obtained through meditation, yoga, and progressive muscle relaxation.

Ohio State University also advises checking out JustBreathe for tips on how to relieve stress through slow, deep breathing. Take five slow, deep breaths right now and feel yourself calm down.

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