5 Reasons Why You Should Learn a Second Language

Several studies have shown the numerous benefits of learning a second language or even multiple languages. Although learning a foreign language at a young age may be easier, there are still many reasons for adults to learn one too.

Here are five reasons why adults should learn a second language - it's not too late yet!

1. Better Financial Choices

A study from the University of Chicago determined that learning a second language helps people have less emotional responses to making decisions and instead process things more analytically. This thinking process then helps people grow in loss aversion or making financial decisions that avoid losses to acquire equivalent gains.

Psychologists believe that some Americans practice too much loss aversion, causing them to focus on what they can potentially lose in investments over choosing a long-term investment plan for the future. Learning another language can help people steer away from loss aversion, such as making impulsive bets, and make better financial choices for the future.

"People who routinely make decisions in a foreign language rather than their native tongue might be less biased in their savings, investment, and retirement decisions," the authors wrote.

2. Enhances Multi-tasking Abilities

Although researchers have debated the human ability to multi-task, the truth is that sometimes we just can't avoid it. Learning another language can help a person cope with completing multiple tasks.

The majority of adulthood involves the ability to multi-task at work, as a parent, and in other highly-stressful scenarios. Those who can think in different languages can reduce stress levels while being better at multi-tasking than monolinguals.

3. Improves Networking Skills

Learning another language involves learning about a new culture, which allows people to be more open to other opinions, beliefs, and lifestyles. Bilinguals become more perceptive to the world around them and become confident in relating to people from different backgrounds.

As a result, adults improve their networking skills, which is essential to anyone's career. Such skills include speaking well, nonverbal communication, and active listening--the same things that are learned while studying a foreign language.

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4. Improves Memory

As we get older, our memory declines for several reasons. The worst cases of memory decline result in severe illnesses. One of the most important benefits includes improving memory, which can help people lower the risk of developing neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Researchers have often compared the brain to muscles gaining strength from exercise. Similarly, brain exercises and challenges such as learning a foreign language can help maintain a good memory over the years.

5. Modern Technology Can Help With Learning

The University of Pittsburgh and the University of California San Francisco developed an earpiece that can help adults learn even the most challenging languages for native English speakers like Mandarin Chinese. The device stimulates a key nerve that boosts one's learning ability.

"There is a general feeling that people can't learn the sound patterns of a new language in adulthood, but our work historically has shown that's not true for everyone," said Dr. Bharath Chandrasekaran of the Pitt School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences and director of the Sound Brain Lab. His team believes that their research can be applied for medical purposes such as rehabilitation for those with brain damage.

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