Whether we're at work, studying at school, or jogging around our neighborhood, we use a fair amount of calories in everything that we do. Of course, if we're going to use calories, we'll have to eat a fair amount of calories. Naturally, carbohydrates are known for being a good source of calories. Although our body does need calories, our body will usually store excess calories in the form of fat. As most of us know, fat buildup will usually lead to an increase in body weight.
A good percentage of our daily sustenance will use staple food, which usually comes in calorie-rich carbohydrates. Most Asian countries will have rice as a staple, while western countries use potatoes and wheat.
However, if we're going to go on a diet, refraining from carbs can be a challenge, especially when most of our daily sustenance will usually come from dishes that consist of bread, pasta, rice, and other carb-loaded food sources. In addition to that, there will also be times that friends and co-workers will offer us sugary treats that might derail your dieting process.
Sometimes, carbohydrates have been so ingrained in our lives that we seek it out when stressed out. So how do we break this cycle of craving for carbs?
Expectations When Dieting
It's important to note that dieting isn't something that can be done in a single day. Most of the time, it will take months to achieve. It's only essential that we maintain the routine to accomplish it.
For us to lose weight, we have to be in a state where we are losing more calories than we are gaining them. That means that we have to eat less if we're going to cut out calories from our diet. If our daily intake of calories is around 1600 calories, we'll have to burn more than 1600 calories to make a difference.
Since most of our calorie intake will usually come from carbohydrates, it's only rational that we cut it out from our diet. However, this is easier said than one; most sources of carbohydrates are also high in other nutrients.
It's best to substitute these sources of carbohydrates for other sources. Some individuals tend to do intermittent fasting, which is known for accelerating the burning of calories, which can lead to decreased weight. If you're planning on fasting, you have to expect the following risks:
Poor brain function from the lack of sugar and calories
Weakness and low stamina from low sugar in the blood
Deficiency and lack of daily intake of nutrients.
You might have a sudden craving for carbs right after you fast, which can lead to binge eating.
Digestive disorders from your stomach as it adapts to bodily changes.
Professional Help
In the face of a public health crisis, it can be difficult for most individuals to go to a health center without having to come in contact with a multitude of individuals. Suppose you're in doubt about your abilities in losing weight. In that case, a medical expert is just a call away, especially when most professionals are now using state-of-the-art telemedicine software that can cut down on waiting time for appointments.
Having professional supervision can help with your dieting process, especially when it comes to losing weight.
Cutting Down on Carbs
But aside from seeking professional medical advice from experts, it is still possible to cut down on your daily carb intake with simple and effective ways.
Reducing Starchy Food
Starchy foods are known for containing the right amount of carbohydrates and sugar. Most experts would suggest replacing these with cauliflower rice, squash-based pasta, and tofu.
Using Healthier Alternatives
The most optimal alternatives to starchy food would usually be in the form of lean meat, legumes, and other high-protein food. Low-calorie and high-fiber alternatives such as fruits and vegetables are also highly recommended in your diet.
It's important to note that each individual will have a unique metabolic process. How your body works is different from others. If you're introducing new substances from new food sources to your system, you might get allergic reactions. Thus, it's only necessary to consult a dietitian beforehand.
Minimizing Sugar Intake
Sugary treats in the form of pastry, chocolate, and processed foods are the main contributor to weight gain. Cutting down on these sugary treats can help with the dietary process.
Healthy Fats
Contrary to what most individuals think, high-fat food is excellent for specific methods, especially through the keto diet. In addition to that, certain foods such as avocado and fish are excellent sources of protein while not triggering the release of insulin in the system. Still, it's important not to rule out fat from our diet.
There are various methods of lessening our calorie intake, and cutting carbohydrates from our system is just one of the proven and effective ways. Decreasing your intake of carbohydrates might be a daunting task, but it is possible. Taking everything day-by-day and having a healthy diet can make things easier for yourself.