Are Cows Dangerous? England Authorites Report Two Cattle Attack Deaths This Month

This month, local authorities in England have reported two odd deaths associated with an animal attack. 72-year-old Malcolm Flynn was killed after a herd of cows charged at him.

Nearly five or six people are killed by cattle in the UK every year. Most deaths are farmworkers and occasionally, random walkers encountering a herd of cows.

The other death was Dave Clark, a teacher from North Yorkshire. He was trampled in front of his wife while they were walking their dogs in the evening.

Between 2018 and 2019, there were 43 reported incidents of cattle attacks leading to death or injuries. 18 of the cases involved people walking their dogs.

Stuart Roberts of the National Farmers' Union said that in general, dogs can outrun cattle. The best thing to do is to avoid being in the middle of the cows and calves. "If your dog is being threatened by cows, let them go" since the cows will be chasing the dog instead of the owner(s).

In General, Cows are Friendly

According to the company Milk On My Mind, cows are mostly friendly and curious creatures. However, their behavior does depend on how they are raised, how often they have human interaction, and they feel threatened or need to protect something.

Dairy cows, who have frequent interaction with humans, are less likely to attack people. On the other hand, male cows or bulls are more likely to be naturally aggressive towards people.

Cows also have personalities as farmers may keep some cattle as pets. In general, they are curious species and can range from being shy to bold.

Are Cows Dangerous? England Authorites Report Two Cattle Attack Deaths This Month
Photo by Daniel Kopatsch/Getty Images

Avoiding a Cow Attack

On the occasion that a herd of cows begin to head your direction, said Roberts, it is better to move away slowly. Running away may trigger the cows to chase you.

Ideally, Roberts explained, livestock can roam freely in a field without disturbing the public. However, some farmers have footpaths in several fields, which is why some walkers encounter herds near roads.

Some ways of preventing a cow attack include keeping your pet dog(s) under control at all times. Some hikers may have a companion dog, which may provoke cows.

If possible, avoid walking through a herd of cows. If they happen to be blocking the established hiking path, hiking poles can be carefully waved towards cows while encouraging the animals to move. This must be done slowly and calmly.

Next, you should remain calm if a group of cows approaches you since they are curious. They may also be assessed if you are a threat, and will typically go their own way if they realize they are safe around you.

Also, it would be better to avoid approaching or getting too close to a calf, so its mother won't become protective and aggressive. Some people tend to approach calves to try and pet the adorable creatures. It would also be wise to ask a farmer before approaching a cow as a precaution.

Check out more news and information on Cows on Science Times.

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