Forget about retirement. Most millennials are kind of on that road already. But Jordan Lintz's take on why retiring is not an option has nothing to do with changing social programs or retirement schemes. As HighKey's marketing guru, he has an altogether different philosophy. He likes to sum it up in a tidy, personal credo: He doesn't work because he has to. He works because he wants to.
That's exactly the type of advice that might resonate the most with the up-and-coming entrepreneurs because lets be honest, they have a steep hill to climb. Most businesses will fail within five years, and even though that's a blessing in disguise, it can put a dent into a young person's enthusiasm to get back up and try again.
If they heed the advice of Jordan Lintz, a man who's experienced the highs and the lows of the business world, they should never have any doubts about getting back in the game, as long as that's what they still desire. It helps if they can, along the way, create a gravitational pull that will bring together like-minded people with similar types of energy.
No one is an island, and while personal gumption counts for an awful lot, having a good team with whom to share the load can be crucial. Jordan Lintz puts a lot of faith in good teamwork, which is something young entrepreneurs might want to emulate. Building a strong team is an investment in the future of any business endeavor, but making sure that the team has gathered for the right reason is even more important. That gravitational pull must come from the business model that attracts people who not only want to work on it but want to be a part of it. Having goals is great, but sometimes it's even better to have a mission.
Where does money come into the equation? Not right away. As many entrepreneurs know, the first couple of years of any business can be tough. Securing funding can be a lot of hassle and trying to find a way to stay on top of the bills can seem like juggling sticks; one wrong move and that's it. But that is the name of the game, and Jordan recognizes it as such.
So, instead of recommending that people go in with dollar signs in their eyes and nothing but money on their mind, Jordan Lintz would recommend doing the exact opposite. He'd turn the attention to the product that's under development, or the services that are created and set up, and the customers who will benefit from it all, and of course the logistics-every single thing that makes the business run. The next step would be to put as much money as possible back into the business so that it can grow before the time comes to reap the rewards.
In the end, it all comes down to defining what the legacy is going to be. It's about having an overarching goal that will tie together all the various endeavors a serial entrepreneur will get themselves into. Entrepreneurs are often measured not by their past successes, but the future ones they are striving to achieve. Their eyes are always looking far ahead, trying to figure out the next challenge that will bring them closer to that ultimate goal.
For Jordan Lintz, it's about becoming the ultimate brand expert. To that end, he's charted out fifty years' worth of difficult goals he plans to tackle. He knows he's in for one heck of a ride, and he's ready for every mile of it. He hopes his generation of entrepreneurs is ready to reach these new heights, too.
Keep up with Jordan Lintz on Instagram, where he goes by @jordanlintz.