The immune system serves as the protector of the body, so when a foreign object enters, it reacts in certain ways. For example, allergies happen when pollen, bee venom, pet dander, and other allergens enter the body.

This is because the human's immune system contains antibodies that identify a specific allergen as harmful, even if they are not. When a person comes into contact with these allergens, the immune system will inflame the skin, airways, digestive system, and sinuses.

However, the severity of the allergic reaction could vary on different people. It could be just a minor irritation or the worse, anaphylaxis that can be life-threatening.

Most allergies are untreatable, but it does not mean that its symptoms cannot be alleviated. But before that, here are some common allergens that cause allergies to people.

Common Allergens

According to NHS, allergens are substances that cause allergic reactions. Some common allergens include grass and tree pollen (also known as hay fever or allergic rhinitis), dust mites, animal dander, foods like nuts or shellfish or eggs, medicines like ibuprofen or antibiotics, and latex that is used in making gloves or condoms.

Moreover, other allergens may include mold which can mix in which particles can get mix with the air and household chemicals like detergents and hair dyes.

Generally speaking, these allergens are safe for most people but tend to cause distress and harm to people who are allergic to them.


Symptoms of allergic reactions could vary from one another. For instance, those suffering from hay fever or allergic rhinitis could experience sneezing, itching of the nose, eyes and the roof of the mouth, runny and stuffy nose, and watery, red or swollen eyes.

Meanwhile, those suffering from food allergies could experience swelling of the lips, face, tongue and throat, hives, tingling in the mouth, or worse, anaphylaxis.

Moreover, an insect allergy would likely leave edema at the sting site, itching or hives all over the body, cough, chest tightness or shortness of breath, and could lead to anaphylaxis.

For drug allergic reaction, symptoms are hives, itchy skin, rash, swelling of the face, wheezing, and anaphylaxis. Lastly, for atopic dermatitis or also known as eczema, it can cause itch, redness and flaking or peeling of the skin.


Notice that some types of allergic reactions can lead to anaphylaxis. It is a life-threatening reaction that needs immediate medical attention as it can cause a person to go into shock.

Symptoms of anaphylaxis include, loss of consciousness, low blood pressure, severe shortness of breath, rash, lightheadedness, a rapid but quick pulse, nausea, and vomiting.

Once the patient presented these symptoms, it is highly advisable to send the patient to the emergency room immediately.

Read Also:Allergic to Peanuts? New Treatment Research Offers Hope 

Managing Allergies

I most cases, allergies are manageable and preventable. For example, checking the label of the food in the grocery items would help avoid the allergen that can cause one's allergic reaction before buying them.

But there are medicines available to help control the symptoms of allergic reactions. This includes antihistamines, decongestants, moisturizing creams, and steroid medicines.

Antihistamines stop an allergic reaction from occurring by taking away the symptoms of the response or before being exposed to allergens. While decongestants can be used as a short-term treatment for a blocked nose.

Moreover, moisturizing creams reduce skin redness and itchiness. While steroid medicines can help reduce swelling and redness of the skin.

For people who suffer severe allergic reactions, doctors recommend trying immunotherapy like the new study that involves gradually exposing people allergic to peanuts to a small amount of the allergen until their body can get used to it.

Read More: Is Your Teen a Night Owl? Study Finds Allergies and Asthma to Be More Common in Adolescents Who Stay Up Late

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