Penumbral Eclipse, Leonid Meteor Shower, and More: November Sky Events To Watch Out For

October has been fun for sky-watchers. But November has some fun stuff in-store as well. Two meteor showers and a penumbral lunar eclipse will occur during the full Beaver moon within the month.

Watch Mercury's Largest Western Elongation Safely

With Mercury's greatest western elongation on Nov. 10, significant November sky events begin far into the month. As it would be at its maximum point above the horizon, this would be the perfect opportunity to see the earth.

But as Mercury comes very similar to the sun, sky-watchers have to be alert. When the sun is apparent, it is necessary not to imagine it. Before dawn, into the eastern sky, indicated by Sea and Sky, the best moment to see this phenomenon would be.

Meteor Shower Peak Taurids

Relatively shortly after that, the moment will arrive for the Northern Taurids' meteor shower to shine. The meteor shower is currently underway, said the American Meteor Society (AMS), with the annual occurrence lasting from Oct. 20 to Dec. 10. But occasionally, either in late October or early November, behavior rises.

This year, between the evening of Nov. 11 and the morning of Nov. 12, the high would take effect. While considered a minor meteor shower, the Northern Taurids often display a spike in fireball activity, such as those in 2008 and 2015, releasing just 5 to 10 meteors per hour.

It could also be a pleasant viewing chance for sky-watchers, whether it may have intensified fireball activity this year or not, because the moon may only be 15 percent full and so its light would not be an obstacle for observation.

Observe the skies under the Rising Moon

Because of the New Moon, Nov. 15 would be the greatest day of the month for sky-watching. This evening, the moon in the night sky would barely be noticeable. But, as Sea and Sky mentioned, it'll be a perfect moment to look for distant objects like galaxies.

'Average' yet brilliant meteors from Leonid

On the evening of Nov. 16 and the morning of Nov. 17, the Leonid meteor shower would then peak. The Leonids normally emit up to 15 meteors every hour, called a regular meteor shower.

While this year's occurrence possibly won't deliver its iconic outburst, the Leonids also appear to produce persistent trains of bright meteors, the AMS said.

From the Halloween Blue Moon until the lunar penumbral eclipse in November

If the Halloween Blue Moon ends in October, so November will conclude with a penumbral lunar eclipse that corresponds on Nov. 30 with the new moon of the month. Named the Beaver Moon since it was about this period of the year that the Native Americans set beaver traps, the Planet's shadow would obstruct about 80% of the moon at the eclipse's height.

At the eclipse, owing to the sun's alignment, Planet, and moon, those in North and South America, the Pacific Ocean, Australia, and areas of Asia would possibly see a significantly darker full moon.

It would be the last occurrence of the month in the atmosphere and the last lunar penumbral eclipse of the year.

ALSO READ: Organic Compounds on Meteorite Fragments: Could it Be the Source of Life?

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