If you want good revenue, then it's time to put in a little more effort than before. After then, you become able to provide a great platform that customers require to shop online, and it enhances your revenue a lot. Nowadays, online buyers expect total price, size, color, weight, images, and several other things on a single product page. If you want to provide everything on a single product page, then you should use some advanced technology. One of the best options among all to enhance revenue and offer extra products to customers is using Product Option templates for Magento 2.
As the main purpose of Magento 2 is to provide the merchants with a flexible shopping cart system, so it helps online stores to add everything on a single product page. After then, customers find it very easy as they get all details and information about it without clicking or moving one page to another. It not only makes everything easier for the customers but by offering all such things of customer's requirement on one page, the seller gains their trust and loyalty. To gather more information about setting on Magento 2 for an easy shopping experience or better results, one should click here. After then, individuals easily know the importance of Product Option Templates Magento 2.
Process of setting up product option templates in Magento 2
Finally, the time arrives for which you all are waiting. Mentioned down are the 4 main steps by which you become able to set up the product options templates in Magento 2 and then get plenty of advantages that make everything smoother for you.
1. The first step for the individuals is to log into the Magento 2 admin panel. Then they have to click stores>MageWorx Option Templates> and select the manage option templates. There you find plenty of created templates, and you have to select some specific templates. After then, you need to click on the Add New Option Template button to start the process further.
2. The second step for you is to enter the required data into 4 tabs, i.e., Option Template Settings, Assigned Products, Customizable options, and Add Product by SKU/ID. You have to write the template name in option template settings accordingly.
3. The third step is a major one, as here you have to assign a template to the selection of products. For doing so, you have three ways.
a. You can use Magento 2 product grid to choose the products accordingly.
b. Users can add products by SKU
c. The third way is to add products by ID.
4. Finally, the last step is to arrange all custom product options into the customization option tab.
That's it, by simply following all these steps, everyone becomes able to successfully set up the Product Option Template in Magento 2 platform. After then, they don't only provide everything to the customers on one product page, but it helps them in building their store reputation and enhance revenue.