Online degrees are ideal if you need to achieve a higher qualification and cannot take time off from work to get them done. Nursing is one such option, especially with the current situation. You can't take time off, but that doesn't mean that you should put your own dreams and future on hold. You can work and study. You just need to adopt the right routine, improve your health and wellbeing, and of course, use the study tips and tricks in this ultimate guide:
Steps to Take to Choose and Complete Your Online Degree
1. Make a List of What You Need from Your Degree
You will know best what you need to get from your degree for the sake of your career. Make a note of it. If you need to complete that degree in order to achieve a higher license, follow what the requirements are for your country or state. Nursing is a great example of this. While the degrees you choose may go above, they will need to have a set of minimum requirements to make you eligible to take the state exam.
You deserve more than just the bare minimum that online nursing programs can offer, however. You deserve online nursing programs that go out of their way not just to teach you what you need to know, but also to make it easier to take on while working full time as a nurse.
Being designed for working professionals has never been more important, especially for nurses. Your work is in high demand, and nowadays you are putting your life at risk. Caring for your health and wellbeing takes priority, which means you need a degree that appreciates this and does all that it can to help you succeed.
2. Explore Your Options
Explore nursing degrees. You can do this with one online resource that provides a big list of nursing programs you can qualify for, or you can search individually in your own time. The effort you put in now will pay off massively later on, when it results in the perfect institution that supports you and provides you all the information, resources, and support you need not just to pass, but flourish.
3. Take Note of Degree Features and Resources that Appeal to You
Even standardized degrees, like online nursing programs, differ wildly from one other. If it will make you eligible to take the state exam then yes, it will cover a standard set of information and work to get you the requirements you need to take the exam. It does not have to do more than that. That is why you need to take note of the additional support features that these online nursing programs offer.
Some great features that will help you succeed in your degree and better manage your career and personal life include:
In nursing, some universities require you to take an additional exam just to apply. Other degrees also do this, and they are not necessary. The degree in question should teach you everything that you need to know, and if there are requirements, like with an MSN, your BSN should be proof enough of your qualifications. These exams are just extra stress - stress you don't need nor deserve right now.
The Ability to Take One Course at a Time
Some degrees require you to take two or more courses at a time, which can be very difficult, especially today with the massive influx of people coming into hospitals all around the country and even the world. You want to succeed, but at the moment, even small steps will help you significantly. That's why a great feature for online nursing programs to have is the ability to take on just one course at a time, and ideally, they will also offer the chance to take a week off between courses so you can have a breather and a chance to recuperate.
A Student Success Advisor
You need someone on your side to help you build a path and stay true to your goals. We aren't always great at seeing or plotting our futures ourselves, which is why a great resource to have is access to a student success advisor or coach. Great online nursing programs offer this and are particularly helpful for those working towards their APRN qualification with an MSN.
Alumni Network
Networking is critical in every industry and being able to access and benefit from your institution, even after you graduate, is one of the best things for your career. Most universities do offer this; you just need to stay in touch and visit the alumni pages regularly to take advantage of all their benefits.
4. Narrow Down Your List
You should have a list of degrees that will help you reach your goal. This could be a list of MSN online nursing programs, for example. In this list are a collection of great choices, and options that offer you just the bare minimum.
Cut out the excess. Only great options should be left. Yes, you may not be accepted for the next available intake of students. In nursing in particular there are typically more qualified students than there are open positions. Don't despair in this case. Just keep applying to the courses you actually want to take. You will be accepted in due course, so don't lower yourself to taking a degree not suited for your or your needs.
5. Brush Up on Your Applications
Though there is always a chance you may not be accepted (and for a variety of reasons as well) that does not mean you should not always strive to do your best. Highly competitive courses sometimes are just a matter of first-come, first-served of qualified candidates. Others look at resumes. Either way, it doesn't hurt to improve your resume, get letters of recommendation from your supervisor and employers, and to edit through your application a few times.
If you don't get in the first time, keep working hard, training, and working to improve your application for next time. These actions are great to help you with your career as well, allowing you to benefit regardless.
6. Enroll (One Course at a Time)
Once you are accepted, it's time to do a happy dance! You got in, now it's real, and it's about to become your future. Take as few courses as you can. One course at a time, especially if you are a nurse completing online nursing programs for their career, can help you manage your physical and mental health, your duties as a nurse, and your education.
7. Build a Better Health Routine
This should be started as soon as you make it your goal to take on a degree while you continue to work. There is no reason to wait because improving your health routine will do wonders for your career and personal life as well. If you haven't yet, however, don't dawdle any longer. While you wait for your course to start, you should work to eat healthier, improve your sleep routines, and of course, improve your strength and circulation through regular exercise.
Sleep and your diet, in particular, will provide the biggest impact, as they are two of the best ways to boost your natural energy levels throughout the day. Try to make healthy snacks like homemade protein bars, or just switch sugar foods for healthy alternatives to punch up your energy throughout the day.
Finding the right strategy to get a better night's sleep, even on shift work, however, is hard. The best methods to start with include going to bed and waking up at the same time, staying away from the blue-white light from digital screens for a few hours before bed, using aromatherapy, and generally improving the quality of your bed.
Some may find a cup of hot, decaffeinated tea helps. Others may find the trick to be yoga or meditation before bed. Experiment, and stick with the options that help you get that great night's sleep.
8. Create an At-Home Office
If you want to study well, you are going to have to have a place to do it. This year, and for the foreseeable future, this study spot will have to be at home. Try to make a dedicated spot for yourself, as this can help you stay focussed better when you work, and more importantly allows you to relax more readily in the rest of your home.
You could set up a small desk for yourself, have a couch spot you enjoy working in, or even just section off a corner of the dinner table. The only thing that you should not do is have your study spot in your bedroom, and definitely not in your bed. This can make your work stressful and make getting that good nights' rest more difficult.
9. Start Self-Study
No matter what industry you are in, self-study. Nurses can prepare themselves to take a variety of online nursing programs by reading medical journals, medical news, and even taking free, short online courses that introduce them to concepts that are adjacent to their field. For now, you don't have to be too focussed on how what you are learning benefits your career, the goal is instead to get into the habit of learning and studying after work.
By choosing something fun, you can treat yourself while adjusting your routine so you can better complete online nursing programs.
10. Slow but Steady
When you start your degree, remember that success can be found in even the smallest of steps. It is easier to do just a few hours per day, then trying to cram hours upon hours into your weekend.
For example, you could work on your degree for thirty minutes in the morning and then go to work. Spend your lunch on coursework for half an hour, and then after work, you only need to spend one or two hours on your degree, and you are done.
By aiming to work those two to three hours per day on your degree, you can minimize effort while exceeding the recommended coursework hours.
11. Revise on the Go
Make your own notes, both to be read and listened to. This way, you can study and revise key concepts from your online nursing programs (or whatever type of degree you have chosen for yourself). Put on audio notes while you drive to work. Read over your study notes from the last chapter while you are on public transport.
By taking these moments that are typically boring, you can improve your memory retention and take a lot of stress off of the final exams.
12. Complete Your Degree
Keep making these small steps. If you have a state exam to take after you have graduated, switch from individual course revision to going over everything that you have learned. Once again, small and steady steps will allow you to take the exam and pass with ease.
Study Tips to Improve Your Efforts
Everyone studies and learns differently, so translating what you learn into a method that you best understand is paramount. You can rewrite what you learn into easy-to-understand notes. If you find you retain information better when you listen, create audio notes for yourself. If you learn by doing, put what you have learned to work (this is done automatically in some degrees, like online nursing programs which include placement as part of your degree).
Another final tip to help you improve your learning is to either join or start a study group. Just because you are not in the same area or classroom doesn't mean you cannot benefit from learning collaboratively with your fellow classmates. Get in touch with them, use cloud-based documents to write notes, channels like Zoom to have discussions and to help each other revise, and so on. Helping others learn and using others to learn is also wonderful to help you practice your teamwork and leadership skills, two critical aspects to your career success.