Are you an avid eater of potato chips? If you are, you should remember that there are some bad effects this food can bring you, specifically to your health.
If you've been indulging in junk food, specifically potato chips, you can guarantee to observe some alarming changes in your body, especially if you've been eating a lot of these salty, fatty snacks daily.
Luckily, there's extensive research in which researchers have discovered various side effects of regularly eating potato chips.
Here are 5 health conditions that can result from eating too much potato chips. Read on, so that the on your next trip to the grocery store, you'll skip the 'chips' aisle.

1. High Blood Pressure
Certainly nobody wants to have high blood pressure especially that it leads to other health impacts such as dementia and heart ailments, among others.
If you've been eating chips a lot, you may have an increased chance of suffering from hypertension also known as high blood pressure. This is due to the high sodium levels found in each serving of the chips.
According to the Harvard Medical School and the Cleveland Clinic, the salt content of these snacks considerably destabilize our sodium levels compared to other food items, instantaneously putting us in danger.
2. Cancer
Perhaps, you have not known that your favorite bag of potato can increase your chance of having cancer. According to the American Cancer Association, "acrylamide," a chemical that appears in processed foods contains "carcinogenic properties" that can result in various cancer types.
This may seem a terrible news for you if you are a chip lover as potato chips have high levels of this chemical, and they are presenting quite a direct avenue through which a lot of people are consuming acrylamide.
You probably think there is no way potato chips could foster similar dangers as a high-risk carcinogen like nicotine. But experts say, do not be fooled.
Both cigarette smoke and your favorite chips have carcinogen, bringing danger to your health very instantaneous and obvious.
3. Stroke
When it comes to eating chips for snack, there's no need to worry about consuming more than just "acrylamides." Griffin Health specified that chips have loads of cholesterol and if there is a family member with history of strokes, you should avoid such snacks next time a craving hits you.
If you don't mind the warnings and you go directly to get a bag of these potato chips rich in fat, you encounter a possible aneurism later on in your life.
The Mayo Clinic said, the fat deposits which foods rich in cholesterol leave, resulting in blockage in the arteries which could then, directly lead to stroke.
4. Depression
One side effect of regularly consuming potato chips doesn't just do some things on physical health. By indulging in bags of these chips we're putting our mental health at risk and that's because of the addition of high trans fats amounts.
A 2016 study which the US National Library of Medicine published indicates that increased trans fats consumption results in chances of depression.
If you think munching on extra snack could lift your spirits and aid your mental condition, prepare yourself to take stock of this terrible side effect that can just do real impairment to your life. So, the next time your craving for salty snacks hits, take your eyes off the chips and go for the healthy snack,
5. Weight Gain
This is no longer surprising that chips can lead to some major weight gain. Considering they have a lot of empty calories and are quite easy to overeat.
A New England Journal of Medicine-published research directly associated snack foods like chips with extreme shifts in weight.
Meanwhile, a Deakin University study showed that the chips' salt content is making them irresistible to any taste bud, making us easily consume way more than we should.
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