Sheepshead Fish With Human-Like Teeth Is Real! Omnivore Eats 100 Various Species

Paul Lore, a 33-year old angler in Florida, was stunned when he caught an unusual fish with human-like teeth and a powerful bite.

He describes the fish' appearance saying, "it has a zebra patted of coloring and the body is more like a snappy-type-fish--very compact but meaty,"

Lore explains, "the teeth can only be described as human-like teeth, but upon further inspection, you'll notice they have rows of these teeth like a shark," adding, "It's one of the weirdest fish I have encountered just based on the appearance."

Sheepshead Fish has Human-like Teeth and it's Okay

The Archosargus probatocephalus, better known as the sheepshead fish, is a deep-bodied flatfish found commonly in North and South America. The bizarre member of the Sparidae family weighs roughly 21.2 pounds reaching lengths of 91 centimeters.

Despite their limited commercial value, sheepshead fish are well-known for their unusual human-like teeth.

Although many are bewildered and frightened of the deep-bodied flatfish, it is edible. According to Scientific American, unlike its close relative, the Sarap Salpa, a sheepshead fish, doesn't inflict ichthyosarcotoxism.

Sheepshead is euryhaline species, which means that they thrive in waters with salinity that ranges from 0-35 parts per thousand, staying fairly close to the shore and feeding on shelled marine creatures when not spawning.

The Sheepshead Unusual Teeth

What makes the sheepshead stand out from other sea creatures is its amazingly bizarre pair of pearly whites.

The anterior teeth of sheepshead are similar to human incisors, while the posterior molar teeth are placed further at the back. When the fish grows up to 4.5 millimeters long, sharp thick teeth start to appear, and all incisors appear when the fish reach 15mm long.

There are two molar rows on the lower jaw and three rows on its upper jaws. This biological wonder allows sheepshead fish to effortlessly crush and grind various shelled creatures that the fish prefer.

The Sheepshead Diet

Unlike most sheepshead, fish are omnivorous with a highly diverse diet. These unique creatures can devour various organic matter lying at the bottom of the seafloor or on vertical hard surfaces such as plants.

The diverse feeders have been known to eat small vertebrates, invertebrates, and plant material.

A study published by the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission reports that sheepshead fish have been found to feed on roughly 100 different species.

Researchers in Mississippi discovered that larger sheepshead fish reaching lengths of 5-15 inches were capable of eating mollusks. And as the fish grew larger, so will their diet follow. Their diverse diets could including crabs, worms, and other crustaceans.

Many studies conclude that sheepshead fish play a crucial role in maintaining marine ecological balance. They help regulate fauna on submerged surfaces, like immobile barnacles or marine species that crawl near the surface.

Due to the fish' predilection to consume species in abundance, sheepshead fish provide a crucial service by preserving the biodiversity of the waters it inhabits.

Check out more news and information on Marine Biology on Science Times.

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