Appealing to Ones’ ‘Fake’ Self: Dr. Yosef Alhasany’s take on Traditional Psychoanalysis


Dr. Yosef Alhasany (Yousef Khaled Fuad Hasan), is a medical school graduate and an eminent psychotherapist. Specialising in the field of Behavioral Psychology, Dr. Yosef Alhasany is best known all over the world for his revolutionary approach in relation to the unique way in which he conducts psychotherapy with his patients, as well as for being a harsh critique of some of the more ‘traditional’ or ‘standard’ psychoanalytic methods- a matter further broken down below.

Struggling with a severely deteriorated mental health in his past- including Major Depression and OCD, Dr.Yosef Alhasany utilized his anecdotal experiences to craft his very own method of psychoanalysis which adopted a much more individualist approach in relation to a patient’s mental health issues.

In doing so, his approach acknowledged the fact that a person's defective character traits were often inherited from a dysfunctional figure in their past- including a religious body, parental figure, and a societal regime that overcame a period of their lives. In Dr. Alhasany’s eyes, these issues needed to be addressed first, for otherwise psychotherapists would merely focus on the ‘symptoms’ of a person’s identity, and not the principle causes. In other words, they would appeal to one’s ‘fake self’- an identity which was the by-product of a combination of childhood problems, prolific amounts of emotional suppression, and an abundance of psychological complexes but which did not necessarily reflect an individual’s real personality.

According to Dr. Yosef Alhasany, overcoming his own personal struggles in the past was a fundamental step in consequently discovering and developing his ‘medically realistic’ approach. Accordingly, he credits that period of his life as his ‘greatest ever achievement’.

Dr. Yosef Alhasany’s Psychoanalysis: A Medically Realistic Approach

As briefly touched on above, Dr. Yosef Alhasany discovered a significant amount of ineffectiveness in relation to some of the more standard methods of psychoanalysis.

Quite commonly, he would witness professional psychotherapists utilize standardised low efficacy treatments or- even worse, defer to the overuse of prescriptive drugs as a way of tackling a patient’s level of happiness and self dissatisfaction without actually addressing any of the key personality issues that were affecting them or their relationship in the first place.

Such a materialistic approach holds a ‘high extent of limitations’ according to Dr. Yosef Alhasany, whose aforementioned medically realistic philosophy involves incorporating a much more specialised approach and advocating for an individual’s long term happiness- taking into account the root causes of one’s unhappiness and not merely the symptoms that have arisen as a result.

Such unsatisfactory ‘traditional’ psychoanalytic methods include the number of advised psychotherapy sessions (often being 12). In Dr. Yosef Alhasany’s point of view- and in accordance with his medical ethos discussed above, 12 sessions are nowhere near enough. They are seldom sufficient enough to dive in and address the root and fundamental issues that are affecting a patient, and commonly provide short-term benefits for a patient without addressing the principle cause- portraying a feeling of happiness and improvement to a patient whilst at the same time inadvertently condemning them towards a similar fate in the future.

Dr.Yosef Alhasany is releasing his newest book: ‘Your psychological subconsciousness complexes: Are your maternal prison?’ soon (exact date not yet available) in which he analytically breaks down his medically realistic philosophy, the complexities commonly associated with one’s ‘fake self’, and the character-related problems that can arise as a result of a deteriorated mental health.

A Final Take: Other Accomplishments and Personal Interests

Aside from his main accomplishments briefly laid out above, Dr. Yosef Alhasany has also seen a prolific amount of success in relation to the various online programs and seminars which he offers.

Such programs allow him to provide detailed, analytical assistance to his patients by dissecting and discovering their hidden psychological complexities and subconscious biases- significantly improving their ability to form meaningful, long term relationships and maintain a robust mental health.

‘I stand for being an originalist. My principle aim is to assist persons in the reconstruction of their personal views, enable them to acknowledge the presence of their ‘fake self’ and- most importantly, accept the effect that such a self can indirectly have on their mental health and personal lives’- Dr.Yosef Alhasany.

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