The Avengers Age of Ultron Cast News, Rumors, and Release Date: Will Captain America Assemble New Squad of Avengers?

With vision, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are being introduced to the finest superhero team on Earth in Marvel Studios' upcoming movie The Avengers: Age of Ultron. This obviously means writer and director Joss Whedon will have quite a challenge on his hands concerning careful management of all the characters' screen time and story arcs. Who doesn't want their favorite comic book character to join the Avengers anyway? On the other hand, too many new additions could end up weighing down the squad.

There are loads of pleas from comic books enthusiasts who want to see their favorite superhero get their own standalone movie - whether it is Black Panther, Squirrel Girl or even Captain Marvel. Communications from Marvel on how likely these characters are to appear have been very varied. Kevin Fiege, the Studio president, has promised that Marvel will pay attention to the "groundswell'' of fan gusto, but the existing franchise commitments make it difficult to find room for new introductions.

There is also an intriguing new report that has emerged. It suggests that Marvel might actually have been clandestinely planning to introduce Captain Marvel in the forthcoming Avengers: Age of Ultron. According to Badass Digest, there are assertions that previous drafts of the script might have featured an ending in which Captain America assembles a new squad of avengers, with an assortment of both old and new faces. According to the report, one character who has always been featured is Carol Danvers (named as Ms. Marvel in the script) despite the final makeup of the team varying between drafts.

Setting up Ms. Marvel or Captain Marvel as the key player in the third phase (scheduled to begin with the release of Ant-Man this year) would certainly be a logical move. Carol Danvers' fans are already getting very excited about seeing her as early as the next summer, but that's not necessarily a guarantee. Despite Badass Digest reporting that the character will ultimately come and may be part of the squad in Avengers 3, the studio has also reportedly been uncertain of how they will integrate Carol Danvers.

Is this bad news to you? Is it something to smile about? Well, the probable reason why Marvel would throw Carol Davers into the end of Avengers: Age of Ultron could be because the studio is instead planning for a standalone movie. This would be released as a yet to be announced title in the five Marvel release dates which are presently locked down for 2017 and 2018. The projected release date for The Avengers 3 is May 2018, and who knows, Captain Marvel might just sneak in before then.

Sadly, for Black Panther fans who were anticipating seeing him pop up in the Avengers: Age of Ultron, there are claims that the character will not show up in the movie in spite of Ultron voyaging to Wakanda to obtain Vibranium. Maybe Marvel is hoarding him for another day as well.

The Avengers: Age of Ultron release date is May 1st 2015

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