Things To Know Before You Go For Lasik Surgery

Things To Know Before You Go For Lasik Surgery
Things To Know Before You Go For Lasik Surgery

Undergoing Lasik surgery is a growing trend in vision care. But do you know all there is to know about it before deciding to have one?

If you are suffering from a severe case of nearsightedness or have been recently diagnosed with high refractive error, you can choose Lasik surgery as a means of treatment. If you are in Orange County, CA, you have many options available to you - check out this best Lasik surgeon in orange county as an example. If your age is between 20 to 40, then you are in a good age range to receive this surgery.

Lasik is a reasonably simple procedure. Your eye surgeon will apply drops to numb the surface, and then an incision will be made in your cornea to lift a thin flap. A laser is then used to reshape the corneal tissue underneath, after which the flap is replaced.

Lasik eye surgery is an experience that has changed the lives of many. But before you decide to undergo the procedure, it is relevant for you to gather all the essential information related to the surgery. In this article, we have discussed some basic information to help in your research.

Find Out In-depth About Your Surgeon

When you choose a Lasik surgeon, you need to research all the facts about your surgeon. Check to see if the surgeon has a certification from the board of ophthalmologists. Check to see what training he has received recently to know if he is up to date with all the latest practices and technologies in the world of ophthalmology.

You can also choose to have a one-on-one conversation with the surgeon, asking them about their experience and the rate of complications in the procedure. You also need to find out where your surgeon is planning on performing the surgery. If the surgeon is offering some shady place to conduct the surgery, that would be a huge red flag. Pick a surgeon who can perform the surgery in a reputed eye clinic.

Get To Know The Pre-Surgery Instructions

There are a few things you should do as you are heading into the surgery. It's best not to wear any makeup or contact lenses just before the surgery. If you wear soft contact lenses, it is best to discontinue wearing them at least two weeks before the surgery. If you use the gas permeable hard contact lens, avoid wearing them three weeks before the surgery.

The shape of your cornea gets altered when you wear contact lenses, and they need to go back to their original form before the surgery is performed. Wearing makeup may cause certain infections on your eyes, so you need to avoid putting on makeup before the surgery.

No Guarantee of 20/20

The typical outcome of Lasik surgery is that about 96% of patients can achieve 20/20 vision after the surgery is completed. So this means that 20/20 is not the guaranteed result. Your results might differ from many others, so if your doctor promises you a 20/20 vision, then maybe it is time for you to go with a different doctor.

Find Out About The Potential Risks

Most commonly, Lasik surgery is a rapid procedure that allows you to be back on your feet reasonably quickly. But it is still a surgery that has potential risks. It pays to know about all possible complications, however rare, beforehand so you can prepare yourself. Over or under correction is something that some patients face, along with inflammation and infection. Research remedies of complications and what you can do if you happen to be one of those rare cases. The more knowledge you have, the better.

Check Out The Competition

You should not jump to any conclusions before deciding on this form of treatment. Talk to your surgeon and explore all options available before concluding that LASIK is the best option for you. If you are suffering from severe dry eyes, certain corneal diseases, or any other eye conditions, you should decide against going with LASIK.

There might be factors that don't make you the ideal candidate for Lasik surgery, so if your doctor is well experienced, he will be able to talk you through the other available alternatives in Orange County to treat your situation. This way, you will be able to judge the pros and cons for yourself and make an informed decision whether to go ahead with Lasik surgery or not.

Learn About The Post Surgery Care

As with any surgery, Lasik surgery also requires you to have specific care after surgery. You need to know all of the care regimens beforehand. The eye drops used after the surgery will influence corneal healing very heavily and directly impact your vision's final state. So this is something that you need to follow very seriously. Discuss with your doctor about the frequency of the follow-up visits and how long it will take for you to go back to regular life activities such as playing sports or putting on makeup.

During The Surgery

You do not need to stay at the hospital overnight for Lasik surgery. But you will be awake while the doctors perform the surgery on your eyes. Certain eye drops are used as anesthetics to numb your eyes' surface so you don't feel anything during the procedure. This experience is not for the faint-hearted, so decide beforehand whether you want to go through with it.

Ask About Repeat Procedures

Sometimes repeat procedures, known as refinements, are required depending on how worse your eyesight was before the surgery. If you are more near-sighted, then the chances of needing a refinement surgery are high after LASIK. You also need to know that you will be required to wear corrective lenses sometime, even after the surgery is performed. And as you age further, it is normal to require a second surgery.

Getting a Lasik surgery is one of the most straightforward and quick procedures to deal with to correct your vision. So if you qualify for the surgery and don't have any underlying risk factors, you can get in touch with a reputed eye surgeon in Orange County, CA, and see if and when a Lasik eye surgery can be scheduled for you.

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