New Potential Pathway for Hypertension Treatment and Blood Pressure Regulation in the Works

Hypertension or high blood pressure is still the leading modifiable risk for premature deaths and cardiovascular diseases in the world. Experts believe that the key to treating patients with a wide range of conditions such as chest pain to stroke is to further understand the underlying intricacies of how cells around blood vessels like the arteries work and control blood flow and pressure.

Although the importance of calcium and potassium in the process isn't new, a recent discovery on the underappreciated role of another metal, zinc, could have a new potential pathway for hypertension treatment and blood pressure regulation.

Understanding Blood Processes in the Human Body

According to the National Cancer Institute, all bodily functions depend highly on the arteries' ability to channel oxygen-rich blood to where it's needed, to smooth muscle cells in the vessels, and direct the speed at which blood reaches its destination.

As smooth muscles in the body contract, the narrow artery increases blood pressure. When it relaxes, the artery then expands and blood pressure decreases. If the pressure is too low, blood flow cannot be sustained and won't be enough to supply the body with the nutrients and oxygen it requires. On the other hand, if blood pressure is too high, the risk of incurring damage to or even rupture of the blood vessels increases.

Researchers explain that fundamental discoveries from more than 80 years ago have already established that calcium and potassium levels in the body's muscles surrounding the blood vessels play a role in controlling how they contract and expand.

Potential New Pathway in Treating Hypertension and Blood Pressure Regulation

In a study, "Zinc drives vasorelaxation by acting in sensory nerves, endothelium and smooth muscle", published in the journal Nature Communications, researchers explain that metal potassium is in charge of regulating the calcium in muscles, while calcium is responsible for narrowing arteries and veins that restrict blood flow and elevates blood pressure.

Endothelial cells, sensory nerves, and other cells surrounding blood vessels also regulate potassium and calcium within the muscles of the artery and regulate levels of metals contained in them, reported MedicalXpress.

Ashenafie Betrie Ph.D., the lead author of the study, explains that the research found that zinc played an important role when it looked at the human brain and not blood pressure. The research team was initially investigating the impacts of zinc-based drugs on the human brain function in patients with Alzheimer's disease when they noticed an unexpected decrease in blood pressure in mouse models that were treated with the drug.

Researchers say that zinc has an opposite effect on blood flow and pressure compared to calcium.

Additionally, it was discovered that genes control zinc levels in cells known to be linked with heart diseases including high blood pressure and hypertension, where hypertension is seen as a side effect of zinc deficiency. The study provides an in-depth explanation of known associations that have yet to be explained.

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