In the near future, it won't be difficult to buy lozenges that can both give you fresh minty breath but would also be able to whiten and repair your tooth's enamel in no time, thanks to scientists' recent breakthrough.
The team of researchers from the University of Washington is set to launch clinical trials for a lozenge containing genetically engineered peptides with calcium and phosphorus ions that are building blocks of enamel.
Your Tooths Enamel

According to WebMD, the enamel is the hardest tissue in the body that thinly covers the outside of your tooth. It helps safeguard your teeth from daily wear and tear, such as biting, crunching, chewing, and grinding.
Despite the enamel's tough exterior, it can crack and chip from inadequate dental hygiene. When your enamel erodes, you'll be more susceptible to the temperature change from hot or cold foods, sweets, and more since they can seep into holes in your enamels and to the nerves found inside, according to Crest.
Unlike breaking your bones, once your tooth breaks or chips, the damage is irreversible since there are o living cells in the enamel, and the body cannot naturally repair it.
Erosion of the enamel can often be caused by having too many soft drinks, fruit drinks, sour foods and candies, dry mouth, high sugar and starch diet, acid reflux, or gastrointestinal problems. Acids in many foods and drinks hasten the enamel's wear and tear.
Tooth Whitening and Enamel Repairing Mint
The mint lozenge contains peptides, or long-chain amino acids, with calcium and phosphorus ions that are the foundation of your tooth's enamel. The peptide is derived by researchers from amelogenin, a vital protein in the formation of the tooth's enamel and crown. The protein is also a vital part of the formation of cementum that makes up the surface of your tooth's roots, reported by GoodNews Network.
Each mint is designed to deposit several micrometers of new enamel on your teeth using the peptide that is engineered to bind to damaged enamel and repair it without affecting other mouth tissues.
The new layer of enamel integrates with living cells under the tooth's surface, known as dentin. Two lozenges a day will rebuild your tooth's enamel, while one a day will maintain a healthy layer. Researchers say that it can also be used as a mint to give you fresh minty breath and is safe for both adult and child use.
According to Professor Mehmet Sarikaya, lead researchers, the team has been discussing viable commercial applications with corporate partners.
The created lozenge not only produces new healthy enamel but will also whiten the tooth better than gels and tooth-whitening strips currently available in the market.
Additionally, a distinct advantage to the lozenge is that it doesn't utilize bleaching agents such as hydrogen peroxide that are known to weaken tooth enamel after long use. This can result in hypersensitivity or gum disease.
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