In 1972, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, also known as the prestigious MIT, predicted an impending societal collapse that will occur in the 21st century. A recent study has examined the update and confirmed that we are on schedule.
Update on the 1972 MIT's World3 Model

The 1972 prediction, also called the system dynamics model, is a decade-old warning that consists of the various factors and risks of industrial civilization collapse. The system dynamics model was published by the Club of Rome and shows comprehensive data about the limits to growth or LTG. Limits to growth are the factors that will lead our society and industrialization into collapse due to non-renewable resource exploitation and can happen at any time within the 21st century.
This prediction gained attention from experts and industry leaders but caused misinterpretations based on the data presented. The ongoing track of MIT's prediction is noted widely accepted and was even ridiculed by many. It was not proven as the events stated in the prediction were yet to come, but KMPG, one of the largest accounting firms in the world, had an expert to perform an update about the collapse of our society, and the evidence showed that we are unfortunately right on schedule towards the economic devastation.
The study of MIT's 1972 prediction update is conducted by the director of Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler KPMG Gaya Herrington. It was published in the Yale Journal of Industrial Ecology, entitled "Updates to limits to growth: Comparing the World3 model with empirical data." The update shows the industrial projection of global civilization towards the failing economic growth in the next decade and the collapse of our society by 2040. Herrington conducted the study as a personal project to focus more on the factors and examine the accuracy of the MIT prediction over time.
The study of the MIT prediction update was not conducted nor affiliated on behalf of KMPG and did not reflect their current stance with the 1972 MIT World3 model. Herrington solely conducted the analysis as a part of her Harvard University Masteral thesis and with her affiliation with the Club of Rome as an advisor.
Economic and Industrial Growth Derailed, Collapse of our Society on Schedule
Herrington's study on the limits to growth suggests how MIT's World3 model fits in the recent data. Many studies have already attempted to conduct the same study, and they found that the conclusion to the societal collapse correlates with the real-world developments. Among these studies is published in the Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute MSSI, entitled "Is global collapse imminent? An updated comparison of the limits to growth with historical data".
The update to limits to growth was analyzed from 10 various data, including fertility rates, mortality rates, human welfare, population, ecological footprint, non-renewable resources, food production, services, and pollution. According to Survival Acres, Herrington's analysis shows that these data from the recent timeline fits with 2 separate scenarios: BAU2 or business as usual, and CT or comprehensive technology. Herrington emphasized that although the MIT World3 model shows societal impact from the economic and industrial growth, it is not meant to scare people and does not translate to the extinction of humanity.
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