
What interests you in a game? Is it the classes, the races, the gameplay, or is it the background music that makes you want to play more and more? Well not to worry, Neverwinter offers a little bit of something for everyone. For the MMO lovers, there is a reason to smile; Neverwinter will be available for the Xbox One on March 31st.

For those who are not familiar with this game, it is an online RPG based on Dungeons and Dragons fantasy. It has classes such as Trickster rogue, Guardian Fighter, Control wizard and the Great Weapon fighter. It also incorporates races such as Human, Half-Eld and Dwarf. The game play consists of Foundry part one and two, and is already receiving a fair amount of hype.

When it was first launched on PC 4, Neverwinter received positive reception and players hope that it will continue to improve and good news is, it will incorporate contents from the base games i.e. Tyranny of Dragons and Scourge Warlock Expansions. It will also include all those playable classes available for the PC version. 

The Xbox One version will also feature the friends list and it has a fun multiplayer component with a sense of power and explosive immediacy. Needless to say, it is based on a version of fourth edition of the Dungeons and Dragons.

For those eager to play the game, all that is required is an Xbox Live Gold subscription and you are good to go. Some argue that it is too much to ask for someone who just wants to play the game but there are plenty of people out there that say that it's more than worth it to shell out a few bucks for.

Don't get bored this March, and whatever you do, don't keep repeating games you have played before. Go out and play the MMO NeverWinter on XBox One.